Search results for:Green Serbia

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At the Heart of Technological Transformation and Modernization

Spain is one of the European countries most concerned about climate change. The southern areas of this Mediterranean country are characterized by rather harsh climatic conditions, such as high temperatures, droughts, scarce...

Support In a Crisis and Creative Development Programs

The success of any crisis management is affected by a number of factors, including the availability of the necessary equipment. It is a crucial lesson that we, as a society, had difficulties...

Straight to the point

Waste management is a sector that, in addition to improving the environment, has the potential to improve the economy. The authorities increasingly understand the importance and benefits of the “circulation” of the economy. For...

Protected Areas Are the Best „Tool“ for Nature Conservation

Headlines about the extinction of numerous plant and animal species have experienced the fate of the majority of bad news. They are multiplying and, unfortunately, drowning in a sea of information that...

The Future Is in Nuclear Energy

Why are wind and sun as renewable energy sources less environmentally acceptable and economically less profitable than nuclear energy, and how much France as an example can help us in the strategy...

Sustainable Transport and Optimisation in Energy Consumption

Urbanisation and sustainability Researches show that by 2050, another 2.5 billion people will move to cities, which will be the largest migration of the population in the history of mankind so far. It...

Caring For the Environment Should Be a Lifestyle 

Traffic belongs to major air pollutants, and selection of the mode of transport is considered as one of the main factors of influence. We all have the opportunity to make that choice....

charge&GO –  Your Step Towards Electromobility

Do electric and hybrid vehicles belong to the future or are they reserved only for western, more advanced economies? However, if they are present here and now, such a standpoint is obviously...

EBRD and EU Advance Honey Producer’s Development in Moldova

Nestled in the picturesque village of Costești, Moldova, Regina Naturii manufactures and trades jars of delicious natural delicacies. The honey producer may well have borrowed its work ethic from industrious bees in...

Nature-based Solutions – An Answer To The Climate Change Challenges In The Western Balkans

Nature-based Solutions offer a cost-effective, no-regret solution to reducing disaster risks and contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. While still an emerging concept, evidence has shown the benefits of Nature-based Solutions...

Schneider Electric’s Ev Chargers – for Charging in Public Facilities and at Home

In line with the global trends in the area of energy efficiency, reduced negative impact on climate change and preservation of the planet, switching to electric vehicles represents one of the options...

Sun, Wind and Biomass for Clean Energy

Vojvodina has a great potential for energy production from renewable sources. How much these resources will be used, and to what extent industrial entities will be environmentally conscious, depends most on the...

How to Exploit Coal Reserves?

The increase of energy production from renewable sources and higher energy efficiency are definitely directions towards a sustainable energy future of Serbia. Energy experts have no dilemmas about that. However, the subject...

Environmentally Conscious Tourists Are Attracted to Eco-Friendly Destinations

If you are a fan of unspoiled nature hidden between the Montenegrin mountains and the Adriatic Sea, surely it must have happened to you, at least once, to be stuck for hours...

Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Thriving World

The development of sustainable energy projects, including finance and advisory services, makes the core business of E3 International (E3I). Bonnie Norman, president of E3 International and well-known advisor on the creation of...

Initiative in Indjija

Life in a local community can be much better if it fosters a collective spirit and turns criticism into action, as eight students from Indjija demonstrated by founding the Association Indjijativa. For...



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