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Methane Emissions from Coalmines Could Stoke Climate Crisis – Study

The methane emissions leaking from the world’s coalmines could be stoking the global climate crisis at the same rate as the shipping and aviation industries combined.Coalmines are belching millions of tonnes of...

Carcinogenicity Assessment Was Flawed for 4 out of 10 Pesticides, New Report Shows

A new review of carcinogenicity assessments of pesticide active ingredients shows 40 percent of them are not carried out in compliance with existing European guidelines, leading to possible continued exposure of farmers...

Global Food Producers ‘Failing to Face Up to Role’ in Climate Crisis

The world’s biggest producers of meat, dairy and seafood are failing to tackle the enormous impact they are having on the planet through deforestation, the routine use of antibiotics and greenhouse gas...

Cobalt Production ‘Must Nearly Double to Enable Required EV Growth’

Cobalt production needs to nearly double to make and charge enough electric vehicles (EVs) for the UK to meet its 2050 climate targets.That’s according to a letter co-authored by the Natural History...

UK’s EV Charging Sites ‘Now Outnumber Petrol Stations’

Public electric vehicle (EV) charging locations now outnumber petrol stations across the UK.New data from charging point locator service Zap-Map shows that as of the 22nd of May, the country was home...

ABB Unveils Its First Carbon-Neutral Factory

At its site in Lüdenscheid, in the presence of Nico Rosberg, ABB shows how the sustainable energy transition can succeed with digital energy management. With its “Mission to Zero”, the leader in...

Deforestation in Tropical Countries Linked to European Diets in New Study

One-sixth of the carbon footprint of the average diet in the European Union can be directly linked to deforestation in tropical countries, according to a new study from researchers at Chalmers University...

The First Solar Plant Owned by the Citizens in Croatia

Even though the price of solar panels is constantly decreasing, a solar plant is still out of most citizens’ budget. However, what if we split its construction costs with 52 people and...

City Of Sydney Announces 100% Renewable Energy Target

The City of Sydney, on Australia’s east coast, announced last week that it intends to further cut its greenhouse gas emissions by transitioning to 100% renewable energy to meet all its electricity...

Oslo Adding 70 Electric Buses This Year

Oslo, Norway is the capital environmental city for Europe in 2019 and is dedicated to becoming a zero emissions city by 2030. So it is fitting that it is adding 70 electric...

EU Gets Heavy-Duty on Emissions from Trucks

The European Union has agreed to reduce emissions from new trucks by 30% by 2030.The European Parliament and the Council, which represents the 28 member states, reached a provisional agreement which ensures...

U.S. Oil and Gas Industry Is Drilling Us Towards Climate Disaster

As the 116th Congress commences, in the wake of dire reports from climate scientists, the debate over U.S. climate policies has taken a welcome turn towards bold solutions. Spurred on by grassroots pressure from Indigenous communities, the...

Insect Collapse: ‘We Are Destroying Our Life Support Systems’

Scientist Brad Lister returned to Puerto Rican rainforest after 35 years to find 98% of ground insects had vanished. “We knew that something was amiss in the first couple days,” said Brad Lister....

‘Millions of People Could Miss out on Benefits of EVs’

A new report suggests a poorly handled deployment risks exacerbating social divides across the UKMillions of people could miss out on the environmental, health and financial benefits offered by electric vehicles (EVs). That’s according...

Fossil Fuels and Climate Denial Still Reign in Louisiana Despite Scientists’ Dire Warnings

Louisiana is ground zero for the devastating impacts of climate change. Even though the state is already feeling the costly impacts to life and property due to extreme weather and an eroding coastline linked to...

Legal Plastic Content in Animal Feed Could Harm Human Health, Experts Warn

Small bits of plastic packaging from waste food make their way into animal feed as part of the UK’s permitted recycling process.Plastic traces in animal feed could pose a risk to human...



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