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Indian Railways Accelerates Toward a Solar Future With New Tenders

Indian Railways has taken some significant measures over the last few weeks that will cement its place as one of the single largest clean energy users in India. These steps include the...

Blanketing the United States in Solar Panels and Pollinator-Friendly Plants

It started as a trickle and now the floodgates are open. Solar arrays that once sat on barren ground are now festooned with plants that attract bees, birds, and butterflies. Even the...

Renewable Energy Is Electrifying COVID-19 Isolation Centers in Nigeria

The COVID-19 pandemic has upturned our 21st century existence, wreaking havoc on both social and cultural norms and our way of life. It has also crippled the global economy and continues to...

We Need a Total Fossil Fuel Lockdown for a Climate Revolution

Growth in renewable power has been impressive over the past five years. But too little is happening in heating, cooling and transport. Overall, global hunger for energy keeps increasing and eats up...

Sun, Wind and Biomass for Clean Energy

Vojvodina has a great potential for energy production from renewable sources. How much these resources will be used, and to what extent industrial entities will be environmentally conscious, depends most on the...

The African Country That Inspired More and More Countries to Plant Billions of Trees

In the past 50 years, Ethiopia has lost 98% of its forested areas. To mediate this, it planted an estimated 350 million trees in just a single day in 2019. Their...

Opatija Will Host the Leading International Gas Conference in Southeast Europe

The jubilee 35th edition of the International Scientific & Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals will open its doors on the 21st of October, 2020 traditionally in Opatija, Croatia.During three days of the...

UNEP Start-Up Challenge Winners Show How Business Can Build Back Better From COVID-19

The 2020 winners of a UN Environment Programme (UNEP) start-up initiative are demonstrating business solutions that will help Asia build back better and greener after the COVID-19 pandemic. The nine entrepreneurs selected by...

Staying the Course on Clean Transport Fuels in Latin America

Modern bioenergy is an often-overlooked giant among renewable energy sources, accounting for half of the world’s renewable energy consumption. Biofuels are by far the largest source of clean transport fuels, with almost...

Harnessing Tech to Employ Last-Mile Tree Planters in a COVID-19 World

The year 2020 started with such optimism and hope for nature-based solutions and environmental sustainability.Environmental, social and governance investments were high on the agenda at Davos; the World Economic Forum launched the 1...

Record Global Carbon Dioxide Concentrations Despite COVID-19 Crisis

Over the past few weeks there have been many reports of localized air quality improvements as the world has locked down to combat the coronavirus pandemic. However, no one should think that...

Environmentally Conscious Tourists Are Attracted to Eco-Friendly Destinations

If you are a fan of unspoiled nature hidden between the Montenegrin mountains and the Adriatic Sea, surely it must have happened to you, at least once, to be stuck for hours...

Here Is What COVID-19 Teaches Us About ‘Social Learning’ and the Environment

The dire social and economic impact of COVID-19 could worsen environmental destruction in the long run. But the pandemic is also teaching us how to use individual choices to tackle a...

Knowledge From Sarajevo Becomes the Development Potential of the Region

About 300 km from Belgrade, there is one city which I love a lot. Sarajevo is located on the coast of the Miljacka – which would perform a miracle indeed if it...

Why Earth Day 2020 Is More Important Than Ever?

22 April is Earth Day. While the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been spreading around the world and dominating news headlines, thoughts and attention, the need to take climate action has remained as urgent...

Initiative in Indjija

Life in a local community can be much better if it fosters a collective spirit and turns criticism into action, as eight students from Indjija demonstrated by founding the Association Indjijativa. For...



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