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A Rebound in Global Coal Demand in 2021 is Set to be Short-Lived, but no Immediate Decline in Sight

After a major drop in recent years, global coal demand is forecast to rise by 2.6 percent in 2021 before flattening out to 2025. A global economic recovery in 2021 is expected to...

Making Green Hydrogen a Cost-Competitive Climate Solution

Hydrogen produced with renewable electricity could compete on costs with fossil fuel alternatives by 2030, according to a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) published today. A combination of...

Joint Cross-Border Renewable Energy Projects Are Feasible and Beneficial

The EEA briefing Cross-border cooperation for deployment of renewable energy, which looks at the challenges posed by cross-border cooperation on renewable energy, found that several key barriers exist deterring EU Member States...

charge&GO –  Your Step Towards Electromobility

Do electric and hybrid vehicles belong to the future or are they reserved only for western, more advanced economies? However, if they are present here and now, such a standpoint is obviously...

What Is Servitisation, and How Can It Help Save the Planet?

The rising global population and continuous economic growth are driving an increasing demand for energy. Global energy consumption is expected to nearly double by the year 2050, further enhancing the challenge to...

Concentrating Solar Power Gets Supercritical CO2 Makeover

Concentrating solar power may have finally found its one true love: supercritical carbon dioxide, aka sCO2, which is something that happens when carbon dioxide gas behaves like a liquid. The electricity generation...

Recycling Wind Turbine Blades

Wind turbines have increased in size and quantity to meet clean energy capacity demands Modern wind power converts the kinetic (movement) energy from wind into mechanical energy. This happens through the turning of...

This Initiative Can Give City Trees a Second Life – and Create Jobs

The city is a difficult place for a tree to survive. Compared to their counterparts in the countryside, urban trees generally get less water, suffer more intense heat, compete for space with...

Countries Raise the Sails on Offshore Renewables Sector

Offshore renewables, including offshore wind, wave, tidal, ocean thermal, and floating solar PV, will witness substantial growth in capacity over the next decade and play an essential role in the global energy...

Top 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Wind Power

Brush up on your knowledge of wind! 10. Human civilizations have harnessed wind power for thousands of years. Early forms of windmills used wind to crush grain or pump water. Now, modern wind...

First Solar’s Thin-Film PV Modules Chosen For Largest Urban Solar Power Plant In Europe

This week, First Solar shared that JP Energie Environnement (JPee) has decided to use First Solar’s Series 6 solar modules for its 59-megawatt (MW)DC Labarde solar power plant built on a former...

Renewables at Heart of Reaching Zero Emissions in Industry and Transport

Only seven industry and transport sectors will account for 38% of all CO2 emissions globally in 2050 unless there are significant changes in current approaches. Concerted action beyond planned policies can turn the...

A Live Wire

The NordLink cable will directly connect the German and Norwegian energy markets for the first time. Electricity from wind and hydropower will be exchanged to ensure supply reliability, stable prices and a higher...

The Black Sea Region’s Renewable Energy Potential on the Agenda

In less than a month the energy community will get together online to discuss the renewable energy potential of the Black Sea countries. The high-level international investment conference Energy Week Black Sea will...

Latin America’s Energy Community Underlines Link Between Energy Transformation and Prosperity

High-level energy and climate decision makers from Latin America and the Caribbean underlined the importance of low-carbon energy policy to securing stable, long-term prosperity across regional economies, during a webinar co-hosted by...

Solar Power Plant for Pollution Removal

There is talk in the last few years about more intensive use of solar energy in our country’s energy mix. With the desire that such projects come to life and become part...



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