Search results for:Solar energy

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100 MW Solar Plant to be Put Into Operation Near Samarkand

The government of Uzbekistan’s plans to develop 8 GW of solar and wind capacity by 2030 have received a major boost following the approval of an EUR 87.4 million financing package jointly...

How Solar Power is Helping a Community and Jaguars

In ancient times, jaguars roaming the southeast jungles of Mexico symbolized power. The Mayas considered them sacred animals with links to the underworld due to their nocturnal habits. Today, Mexico is home to...

Clean Energy Demand For Critical Minerals Set to Soar as the World Pursues Net Zero Goals

Supplies of critical minerals essential for key clean energy technologies like electric vehicles and wind turbines need to pick up sharply over the coming decades to meet the world’s climate goals, creating...

Solar Power + Bees = Extra Benefit For Massachusetts

A solar power company, Navisun, has just added a couple of solar projects to a special new “pollinator-friendly” solar initiative it has launched in Massachusetts. Furthermore, the projects qualified as pollinator-friendly facilities in...

The National Assembly adopted four laws in the field of energy and mining

 Members of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted four laws in the field of mining and energy, including two new laws - the Law on the Use of Renewable...

Five Milestones in Green Energy

Energy accounts for two-thirds of total greenhouse gas, so embracing cleaner sources is key to fighting climate change.And while the energy transition still has a way to go, renewable energy is nonetheless on...

What the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy Brings

Recently, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted four draft laws, among them the Draft Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. The aim of enacting this law is...

BMW electric vehicle drivers in California get green energy option via smart charging

There are many reasons to switch to electric cars instead of fossil fuel cars — better performance, quieter driving, lower operating and maintenance costs, and, of course, cleaner driving with zero tailpipe...

A Regional Scheme for Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin Could Help Drive the Energy Transition

As invited by the Ministerial Council, the Energy Community Secretariat presented its Discussion Paper on the implementation of the guarantees of origin system at yesterday’s second regional meeting. The discussion was joined...

Fast-Track Energy Transitions to Win the Race to Zero

Proven technologies for a net-zero energy system already largely exist today, finds the preview of World Energy Transitions Outlook by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Renewable power, green hydrogen and modern bioenergy will dominate...

Renewable Energy: Common Myths Debunked

Critics of renewable energy often cite two reasons for why they think a transition from fossil fuels will take half a century. Firstly, that sources of renewable energy are too intermittent to...

IEA and SICA to Collaborate on Clean Energy Transitions in Central America

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Central American Integration System (SICA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote clean energy transitions in Central America. Under the MoU, the two organisations...

India Has the Opportunity to Build a New Energy Future

India’s ability to ensure affordable, clean and reliable energy for its growing population will be vital for the future development of its economy, but avoiding the kind of carbon-intensive path previously followed...

The Future Is in Nuclear Energy

Why are wind and sun as renewable energy sources less environmentally acceptable and economically less profitable than nuclear energy, and how much France as an example can help us in the strategy...

Sustainable Transport and Optimisation in Energy Consumption

Urbanisation and sustainability Researches show that by 2050, another 2.5 billion people will move to cities, which will be the largest migration of the population in the history of mankind so far. It...

The Ambassador of Hungary, Attilával Pintér: Energy Security is an Imperative Both For Hungary and Serbia

There are a lot of things Hungary has been doing in recent years that not only countries in the region but in the whole Europe can take as an example. Although there...



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