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IUCN Closing Statement – Part One of the UN Biodiversity Conference

The first part of the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) closed on Friday 15 October 2021. As we look to the UN Climate Change...

4 Myths About Industrial Agriculture

Our lives revolve around food. It’s part of our cultures and our heritages, and our social interactions are often centered on it. Yet, it’s a privilege to be able to have meals...

Between the Myth and Responsibility

Is it all that it takes for one product to have labels such as eco, 100 percent natural, or 100 percent bio so that we are assured that buying it would do...

EBRD to Acquire Stake in Bulgaria’s Euroins Insurance Group

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed an agreement to acquire a minority stake in Bulgaria’s Euroins Insurance Group (EIG), one of the largest independent non-life insurance groups in central,...

Digital Partner in the Fields of Sustainability and Efficiency

The coronavirus has brought numerous changes in everyday life. It also contributed to the increasing demand for sustainable energy and sustainability in all areas of work. The innovations are introduced, and new technologies...

Amazon Expedition: The harsh reality of those living near the fires

The fires and deforestation in the Amazon have a devastating impact on the forest, biodiversity, and the global climate. We have seen news, articles, and documentaries about it. But little is told about...

How Eco-Labelling Can Drive Consumer Decision-Making

“What exactly happens between the farm and the table?” Each year, 17 percent of total global food available at retail may be wasted, including 11 percent at the household level, says the United...

Three Ways You Can Protect Rivers

Rivers provide immense benefits and services to people, communities, and the planet—from drinking water to crop irrigation. Unfortunately, invaluable river systems all over the world are under increased stress from damming of...

Why The Global Fight to Tackle Food Waste Has Only Just Begun

Our global food systems are having a profound impact on human and planetary health. They are responsible for 70 percent of the water extracted from nature, account for up to one-third of...

The Energy Hat-Trick

How to introduce energy efficiency, mitigate carbon footprint and reduce electricity bills? And can it be achieved at a single blow? This triple benefit is possible to attain by building the solar...

Froneri Ice-Cream –Pleasure With an Environmental Protection Touch

Thanks to the Fronery Adriatic company and its continuous investments, once a little local plant in Stara Pazova was turned into an advanced ice-cream factory for the 21 century. Today, this is...

UNESCO declares Mura-Drava-Danube as biosphere reserve

With the world facing climate and nature crises, UNESCO’s designation today of the Mura-Drava-Danube as the world’s first ‘5-country biosphere reserve’ represents a historic step towards a new era for people and nature in...

Water Management According To European Standards

The draft of the Water management plan on the territory of Serbia for the next six years is in the final stage. Its fundamental goal is the protection and improvement of water...

Threats to Crop Wild Relatives Compromising Food Security and Livelihoods

Over 70 wild relatives of some of the world's most important crops are threatened with extinction, according to a new IUCN co-authored study launched today at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in...

IUCN and German government support post-COVID recovery through sustainable tourism initiative

At the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille, IUCN and the German development agency GIZ on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) today announced a new programme...

These Five Cities Are Taking Aim at Air Pollution

Around the world, more than 90 percent of people breathe in air that the World Health Organization (WHO) considers potentially harmful. While the source of air pollution varies – some come from vehicle...



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