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GTM Predicts 27% Drop In Solar Prices By 2022

A new report from GTM Research has highlighted what is becoming an increasingly common refrain these days — solar prices simply continue to fall, and they’re not slowing down, either, with GTM...

Renewable Energy Provides More Electricity Than Nuclear Power In US

Renewable energy sources are now providing more electricity than nuclear power for the first time ever in the United States, according to figures issued by the US Energy Information Administration and highlighted...

US Commercial Buildings Could Cut Energy Use 29% With Widespread Controls

A new report by the US Energy Department’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has concluded that widespread use of building controls across the country could cut energy consumption by an average of 29%,...

US Wind & Solar Accounts For 10% Of March Electricity For 1st Time

For the first time ever, US wind and solar electricity generation exceeded 10% of the monthly total in March, according to figures published by the country’s Energy Information Agency this week. The EIA...

US Solar Industry Creates Jobs 17 Times Faster Than Rest Of The Economy

A new report released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reveals that solar jobs in the U.S. (and other nations) are expanding quickly. As of November 2016, the American solar industry...

ANNA BOULOS: Serbia Consumes Only 1/3 of Its Potentials

During the Energy and investments fair in Novi Sad the editorial office of ENERGETSKI PORTAL had a pleasure to attend the exposition of Ms Anna Boulos, the economic counsellor at the US...

Germany and California Bolster Climate Cooperation as US Backs Off G7 Statement

Germany and California have agreed to bolster their cooperation on tackling climate change, as international criticism continues to mount over the US government's decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement. Just days...

2 Million Electric Cars Now Trolling Pollution, IEA Reports

The number of electric cars in the world has increased 60% since this time a year ago, according to the International Energy Agency. That’s the good news. The not so good news...

California & China to Cooperate on Carbon Emissions Reduction

California governor Jerry Brown is in China this week. He will be the keynote speaker at the Under2 Clean Energy Forum in Beijing on June 7. That event will bring together leaders...

China Will Delay its Electric Car Mandate until 2019

German newspaper Handelsblattr is reporting that a meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese premier Li Keqiang in Berlin on Thursday led to an important new agreement regarding electric car sales...

Renewable Energy Breaks Records in 2016, but Investments Are Falling

More gigawatts of renewable energy were installed worldwide in 2016 than in any previous year, according to a new report. The Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2017 report shows the costs of...

FRENCH PRESIDENT: If Trump Pulls out of the Paris Agreement, U.S. Climate Scientists Can Go to France

Where U.S. president Donald Trump stands on climate change is no secret, and his administration has already put into effect a number of efforts that clearly demonstrate this. Now, perhaps the biggest...

US Renewable Energy Provides 19.35% of US Electricity in First Quarter

Ken Bossong of the SUN DAY Campaign sent out an email this week highlighting the latest figures from the US Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) latest Electric Power Monthly. The new report publishes...

Chinese Company Offers Free Wind Power Training for Coal Miners in Wyoming

When we think of coal country in the United States, we think of West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. But Wyoming is where the majority of American coal comes from. In fact, the...

Utility-Scale Solar Grew 72% Per Year Between 2010 & 2016

Utility-scale solar installations—including both photovoltaic (PV) and thermal technologies—grew at an average rate of 72% per year between 2010 and 2016, faster than any other generating technologies. Utility-scale solar (plants with a...

China & India Surpass USA As World’s Most Attractive Renewable Energy Countries

China and India have both surpassed the United States in EY’s Renewable energy country attractiveness index, pushing the US down for the first time since 2015 in the ranking of the top...



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