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Mixed Forests Are Healthier, But Can They Survive Climate Change?

German researchers have confirmed once again that a good forest is a mixed forest, a natural one, with a diversity of species. The more diverse the forest, the better it becomes at...

Pope Francis: Indifference To The Effects Of Climate Change Is A “Perverse Attitude”

Indifference to the effects of anthropogenic climate change, and also the outright denial of growing climate warming and instability, are “perverse attitudes,” Pope Francis stated in a message to some of the...

15,000 Scientists From 184 Countries Warn Humanity of Environmental Catastrophe

More than 15,000 scientists have signed a chilling article titled “World Scientists' Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice," urging global leaders to save the planet from environmental catastrophe. The plea, published Monday in...

Denver Becomes Latest City to Require Green Roofs

Denver is the latest city to mandate rooftop gardens or solar installations on new, large buildings, joining San Francisco, New York, Paris, London and other cities around the world with similar green...

Scientists: Strategic Crop Growth Based on Climate Change Could Feed 825 Million More

Scientists in the U.S. and Italy have worked out a strategy to feed an extra 825 million people—by rearranging where crops are grown. Their new menu for the global table could serve...

The Consequence of Climate Change: The Caspian Lake is Slowly Disappearing

The results of the new study reveal that the largest lake on Earth has been evaporating slightly during the last two decades, which scientists associate with high temperatures and climate change. The level...

2017 Set to Rank as One of the Hottest Years Ever Recorded

Global temperature records look likely to be smashed once again this year, with 2017 on course to be one of the three hottest years on record, according to the World Meteorological Organisation...

National Climate Report Finds Virtually ALL Global Temperature Rise Since 1950 Caused By Human Activity

The National Climate Report is an annual assessment mandated by Congress. This year’s report has just been released and it contains this stunning finding — virtually all of the observed increase in...

Atmospheric Methane Levels Rose Rapidly In 2016, Scientists Claim To Not Understand Why

Atmospheric methane levels rose fairly rapidly in 2016, as did atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (which saw the yearly average rise up to 403.3 parts per million), according to a new report from...

Extreme Summer Heat Becoming More & More Prevalent Across US, Study Finds

The number of days in which extreme heat occurs during the summer have been rising across the US — particularly in the Western states and on the Eastern seaboard — over recent...

Record Loss Of Global Tree Cover In 2016, Driven By Forest Fires

The record loss of global tree cover in 2016 — totaling around 297,000 square kilometers (114,672 square miles) and representing a rise of 51% on 2015 — was driven partly by increasingly...

Climate Change Already Damaging Health of Millions Globally, Report Finds

The health of hundreds of millions of people around the world is already being damaged by climate change, a major report has revealed. Heatwaves are affecting many more vulnerable people and global warming...

September 2017: Earth’s 4th Warmest September on Record

September 2017 was the planet's fourth warmest September since record keeping began in 1880, said the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and NASA this week....

What Can Carbon Dioxide Levels 50 Million Years Ago Tell Us About Climate Change Today?

Scientists at Dartmouth College engage in climate change research have found a way to determine what the carbon dioxide level was in the Earth’s atmosphere during the early Eocene period that began...

Rooftop Solar Provides 48% of South Australia Power, Pushing Grid Demand to Record Low

South Australia’s level of minimum demand hit a new record low this weekend – barely a week after the previous benchmark was set – with a fall to just 587 MW last...

Global Carbon Emissions Stood Still in 2016, Offering Climate Hope

The new data is a welcome sign of progress in the battle against global warming but many challenges remain, including methane from cattle. Global emissions of climate-warming carbon dioxide remained static in 2016,...



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