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Stepping up in renewables towards energy stability

Alessandro Bragonzi, Head of Regional Hub for the Western Balkans, one of the participants in the OIE Serbia 2023 conference, organized by the Association of Renewable Energy Sources of Serbia, wrote for...

K2 Base: Obstacle detection with AI and planning with optimised thermal separations

The innovative planning tool K2 Base enables fast, safe and accurate planning of PV projects. In just five steps, you can determine the optimal design of your K2 mounting system and the...

Upcoming EU Hydrogen Bank pilot auction: European Commission publishes Terms & Conditions

The Commission published the Terms and Conditions (T&C) for its pilot auction dedicated to European renewable hydrogen production. It is an important step towards scaling up production of renewable hydrogen in the...

Number 31 – August 2023

Like most, we rested a little during the summer, but we were also hardworking. We tried our best to prepare an issue that brings you a handful of articles about electromobility and...

Energy Week Western Balkans 2023 promises two days of panel discussions, B2B & B2G meetings and endless networking opportunities

Let's review what awaits us on Day 2 of this premier investment conference in the Western Balkans! Renewable energy revenue streams The promotion and facilitation of renewable energy trading and Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)...

How India’s climate leadership is building a better future for all

India is poised to be a global leader when it comes to economy, technology and trade. Now, it has an opportunity to seize the moment and help the world address climate change...


The energy transition is a serious, complex, and longterm process that must be fair. It happens on two tracks – electric power through the construction of new renewable energy sources capacities and...


The Union of Employers of the Republic of Srpska, with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Srpska, organizes the Banjaluka Energy Forum – Let’s save...

Three conditions that will help scale blended finance for nature-positive outcomes

“There is no pathway to limiting global warming to 1.5C without action on protecting and restoring nature,” wrote four architects of the Paris Agreement ahead of the COP15 UN biodiversity conference last December. “Achieving...

Extreme weather is the “new norm”

From mountain tops to ocean depths, the summer of extremes continues. Heatwaves are baking large parts of the northern hemisphere, fuelling unprecedented wildfires and disrupting marine ecosystems. Floods have transformed desert landscapes....


We hear more and more often that electric vehicles are our future, while some of us already consider it to be the present. However, as many divided opinions on the subject or...

Building a sustainable future of the Western Balkans

The business gathering entitled,, POWER OF SUSTAINABILITY 2023'' Festival which will be held in Mostar on September 21/22, 2023. is a continuation of business networking activities organized by the Foreign Investors Council...

Charging ahead: How to unlock the electric vehicle revolution

With 68 percent of people expected to live in cities by 2050, urban areas will be at the heart of the electric vehicle (EV) transition, which is well underway. The adoption of...

Once threatened, Mexico’s “green jewel” has become a model of conservation

Martha Isabel “Pati” Ruiz Corzo moved to the Sierra Gorda – a dramatic expanse of wilderness in the heart of Mexico – four decades ago in search of a quiet, idyllic place...

Co-operation across borders is key to building interconnected power systems of the future

Designers of energy systems have traditionally thought locally or nationally. But as adoption of renewable energy grows rapidly, building power systems that operate across borders will become increasingly essential. Integrating power systems at...

How Innovation in Heat Pumps Can Transform Heating and Cooling

Heating and cooling accounts for about half of global energy consumption and is responsible for more than 40 percent of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. Considering that only a third of people living in...



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