Search results for:Greenhouse gas emissions

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Climate Science Informs COP25

The latest climate science from WMO and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is informing negotiations at the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference.The 25th session of the Conference of the Parties...

EU Member States Add More Climate Policies

The EEA briefing ‘More national climate policies expected, but how effective are the existing ones?’ analyses EU Member States actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve climate and energy targets. The...

Textiles EU’s Fourth Largest Cause of Environmental Pressures After Food, Housing, Transport

Consumption of clothing, footwear and household textiles in the European Union (EU) uses annually about 1.3 tonnes of raw materials and more than 100 cubic metres of water per person, according to...

Afforestation as a Mission

Harmonization of environmental and climate change regulations is a long-term process. It is known that these regulations are continually changing and improving at EU level, as well as a lack of administrative...

World Energy Outlook 2019 Highlights Deep Disparities in the Global Energy System

Deep disparities define today’s energy world. The dissonance between well-supplied oil markets and growing geopolitical tensions and uncertainties. The gap between the ever-higher amounts of greenhouse gas emissions being produced and the...

The Course of the Energy (R)Evolution in Germany

The term evolution, referring to a gradual and continuous social development, is often used as a total opposite to the term revolution, which brings sudden and dramatic shifts of the existing system....

Campaigners Try Again to Stop Norway Drilling for Oil in Arctic

Climate campaigners are taking Norway’s government back to court to oppose its plans to open the Arctic for oil drilling despite a public commitment to tackle the environmental crisis.Greenpeace Nordic and Norway’s...

Oktoberfest ‘Produces 10 Times as Much Methane as Boston’

For the millions of people who descend on Munich for the annual bash, Oktoberfest is a celebration of beer, bands and bratwurst.But as the dust settles for another year on the world’s...

Renewable Energy to Expand by 50% in Next Five Years – Report

Global supplies of renewable electricity are growing faster than expected and could expand by 50% in the next five years, powered by a resurgence in solar energy.The International Energy Agency (IEA) found...

Carmakers Among Key Opponents of Climate Action

Global carmakers are among the leading opponents of action on the climate crisis, according to exclusive analysis of the way major corporations frustrate or undermine initiatives to cut greenhouse gases.The research for...

Europe’s Circular Economy Still in Its Infancy

Circular material use can minimise waste and resource extraction, improve resource efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to conserving biodiversity. However, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) report, published today,...

Deconstructing Myths About Waste Management Transition

The main task for the future of waste management in Serbia is to debunk the waste management goals. So, where are we heading to as a society when it comes to this...

IRENA on the Front Line of the Battle to Limit Climate Change

It was billed as a day of action. Parties without concrete, actionable plans and commitments stayed away from a meeting that the UN Secretary General and wider community believed could be the...

Greta Thunberg Condemns World Leaders in Emotional Speech at UN

Greta Thunberg has excoriated world leaders for their “betrayal” of young people through their inertia over the climate crisis at a United Nations summit that failed to deliver ambitious new commitments to...

Global Food Producers ‘Failing to Face Up to Role’ in Climate Crisis

The world’s biggest producers of meat, dairy and seafood are failing to tackle the enormous impact they are having on the planet through deforestation, the routine use of antibiotics and greenhouse gas...

Turning Europe into a Giant Wind Farm Could Power the Entire World

On windy days, Europe's growing number of wind farms can run entire nations on clean energy. But what if there were turbines in every potential location? Scientists have calculated that in such...



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