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One Football Pitch of Forest Lost every Second in 2017, Data Reveals

The world lost more than one football pitch of forest every second in 2017, according to new data from a global satellite survey, adding up to an area equivalent to the whole...

Orca Whale ‘Crewser’ Presumed Dead as Population Reaches Its Lowest Point since 1984

Following the suspected death of an orca whale nicknamed Crewser, the population of southern resident orca whales is the lowest it has been in 34 years, The Seattle Times reported Saturday. The Center...

Asheville Declares First Ever ‘City-Proclaimed’ Vegan Challenge in U.S.

 The famously artsy and progressive city of Asheville, North Carolina declared the week of June 4-10 as the nation's first "city-proclaimed" seven-day vegan challenge. The initiative—organized by the City of Asheville, regional hospital...

Antibiotic Apocalypse: EU Scraps Plans to Tackle Drug Pollution, Despite Fears of Rising Resistance

The EU has scrapped plans for a clampdown on pharmaceutical pollution that contributes to the spread of deadly superbugs. Plans to monitor farm and pharmaceutical companies, to add environmental standards to EU medical...

Two Studies Reveal Amazing Resilience of Older Forests

Maybe you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but two recent studies revealed that old forests around the world are full of surprises.In Europe, scientists working to complete the first ever...

The Treasures of Amino Acids discovered in Wild apple’s Elixir

The evidence of medicinal properties of the forgotten tree species which is almost completely extinct in Europe was attributed, as it often happens, to a mere coincidence. When Zivota Nikolic in 2012...

Researchers Don’t Know What’s Killing Florida’s Coral Reef

In the fall of 2014, something mysterious started happening to the brain corals near Miami, Florida. Dead, white patches were appearing on the coral’s colorful flesh. The spots grew until they consumed...

A Third of World’s Nature Reserves Severely Degraded by Human Activity

A third of global protected areas such as national parks have been severely degraded by human activities in what researchers say is a stunning reality check of efforts by nations to stall...

Global Warming Will Depress Economic Growth in Trump Country

A working paper recently published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond concludes that global warming could significantly slow economic growth in the US.Specifically, rising summertime temperatures in the hottest states will...

If Anything, Sludge Is a Resource

On our path to the European Union, we are bound to adopt a number of laws, among which are regulations related to the treatment of all wastewater and wastewater sludge. Despite the...

Tourism Responsible for 8% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Study Finds

Worldwide tourism accounted for 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions from 2009 to 2013, new research finds, making the sector a bigger polluter than the construction industry.The study, which looks at...

Climate Change Threatens Kelp Forests With Invasions of Weeds

The devastating consequences climate change is already having on coral reefs is well known, but now scientists have discovered that yet another unique marine ecosystem is threatened by rising carbon dioxide levels.A...

Arne Sannes Bjørnstad, The Ambassador of Norway: It is Important to Maintain the Resources We Have

It is known that the Kingdom of Norway belongs to the group of biggest polluters per capita, which is an inglorious record, that is credited to another title – this Scandinavian country is...

Climate Change Could Displace Half a Million Atoll Residents Within Decades

A new study published in Science Advances Wednesday has bad news for the residents of low-lying atolls: If current greenhouse gas emission rates continue, climate change will render most of these islands...

‘Business Unusual’ Must Be the Mantra in Bonn as UN Climate Talks Resume Next Week

As the 2018 climate talks kick off under the auspices of the UN next week, "business unusual" must be the mantra delegations need heard resoundingly in Bonn, said the World Wildlife Fund...

Deforestation Has Driven Up Hottest Day Temperatures, Study Says

The average hottest day of the year in Europe, North America and Asia has been made significantly more intense as a result of deforestation since the start of the industrial revolution, a...



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