Search results for:global temperatures

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Carbon emissions highest in 66 million years, since dinosaur age

The rate of carbon emissions is higher than at any time in fossil records stretching back 66 million years to the age of the dinosaurs, according to a study on Monday that...

IEA releases Oil Market Report for January

Exceptionally mild temperatures in the early part of the winter in Japan, Europe and the United States – alongside weak economic sentiment in China, Brazil, Russia and other commodity-dependent economies – saw...

Belgrade Has Regional Significance and the Duty To Be the Leader

Secretariat for environmental protection presented the Action plan for adaptation to climate change on 19th November 2015. This is just one of the activities that is in accordance with the ambitions and...

New development could lead to more effective light bulbs

US researchers say they have developed a technique that can significantly improve the efficiency of the traditional incandescent light bulb. These older bulbs have been phased out in many countries because they...



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