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To Fight Climate Change, We Need to ‘Uberize’ the Energy Industry

Organizing capital, in isolation, isn’t enough to get hundreds of Elon Musks dedicating themselves to building companies that develop critical new wind, solar, nuclear and battery technology. In June, Hemant Taneja attended a breakfast...

ABB Wins 1st Commercial Order for Breakthrough 15-Second Flash Charging Technology to Enable CO2-Free Public Transport in Geneva

ABB has been awarded orders totaling more than $16 million by Transports Publics Genevois (TPG), Geneva’s public transport operator, and Swiss bus manufacturer HESS, to provide flash charging and on-board electric vehicle...

Transportation: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?

On Thursday, the 23rd of June, Bertrand Piccard and Solar Impulse successfully made a historic, zero-fuel flight across the Atlantic, from New York to Seville, Spain. The flight comes at a time when...

Researchers Assess Power Plants that Convert all of their CO2 Emissions into Carbon Nanotubes

Last year, researchers at George Washington University proposed a method for transforming CO2 emissions into carbon nanotubes (CNTs). When applied to power plants, the technology could completely eliminate the power plants' CO2...

Which countries have plans for all new cars to be electric, and when?

Plug-in electric cars currently make up a fairly small percentage of the millions of new vehicles sold globally. But within the next two decades, they may be the only new cars available...

Solar Impulse Arrives in Europe, Pointing the Way to the Future of Transportation

Seville, Spain, and Zurich, Switzerland, June 23, 2016 – Earlier yesterday, Solar Impulse, a groundbreaking solar aircraft, completed a 71-hour transatlantic flight from New York to Seville in the course of its...

Stanford Scientists Develop Efficient Zinc-air Battery

Stanford University scientists have created an advanced zinc-air battery with higher catalytic activity and durability than similar batteries made with platinum and other costly catalysts. The results, published in the journal Nature Communications, could lead...

A Look at Samsung’s Environmental Activities Around the World

As the planet faces a growing list of problems, from climate change and pollution to environmental degradation and resource depletion, the preservation and conservation of the environment has never been more significant. Recognizing...

ABB to Power More Volvo Emission-Free Electric Buses in Luxembourg

ABB has received an additional order for EV fast chargers for the City of Luxembourg for five new Volvo electric hybrid buses. A previous order with Volvo Buses was placed last year...

ABB and Solar Impulse show that a clean energy future is achievable

As Hawaii embarks on the complex transition from a fossil-fueled past to a clean energy future, Solar Impulse and ABB are proving that renewables are a reliable power source. By flying halfway around...

Russian Scientists Suggest New ‘Nuclear Battery’ Concept

The nickel-63 isotope’s properties make it a very convenient basic element for tiny, safe and low-power batteries, also known as beta-voltaic cells, with a long service life of over 50 years. They...

Solar power at night? Solar City and Tesla say they can do it

Solar City, the solar energy company whose largest shareholder is Tesla Motors chief executive Elon Musk, has picked batteries made by his electric-car maker to provide 13 megawatts of electric storage for...

Energy storage commercially viable, 900 MW expected in 2016

The energy storage market is shifting from R&D demonstration projects to a commercially viable market, states IHS, Inc. Q4 2015 saw a 45% increase in the global project pipeline, while 900 MW...

Serbia, Bosnia mining: Mineco base metals mining and trading in SEE and Russia

The Balkans has a rich history of mining; mines opened by Romans in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD still operate in Artana and the Saxons mined extensively across the region (locally,...

ABB presents electric bus system in Paris as COP21 climate conference gets underway

ABB’s innovative electric bus charging technology was one of the highlights of the show of sustainable transport systems around the Eiffel Tower in Paris, where world leaders are meeting to seek a...



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