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Vanuatu to Ban Disposable Nappies in Plastics Crackdown: ‘We Had No Choice’

It is but a tiny speck in the Pacific Ocean, but the island state of Vanuatu is leading the global fight against plastic waste. The nation, which has already introduced one of...

EU Aims to Tackle Climate Change With Newly Adopted ‘Green Finance’ Guidelines

Newly adopted guidelines set forth by the European Commission Tuesday aim to tackle climate change by way of the financial sector. The move comes to bolster the success of the Sustainable Action...

Climate Change as a Fundamental Challenge of Our Era

To become a full member of the European Union one day, Serbia needs to harmonise its legislation with acquis of this group of countries. One of the fields that we need to...

Big Pharma Emits More Greenhouse Gases Than the Automotive Industry

Rarely does mention of the pharmaceutical industry conjure up images of smoke stacks, pollution and environmental damage.Yet our recent study found the global pharmaceutical industry is not only a significant contributor to...

Italian Island of Capri Bans Single-Use Plastics

If you find yourself on the island of Capri, you'd better not have a plastic fork stuck in your bag, or else you might get a €500 fine. The new ruling, effective...

Just 7% of Cities Score ‘A’-Grade on Going Green

A total of 43 cities have scored an ‘A’ rating in a new climate-action ranking published by CDP.This means around only 7% of the 596 cities assessed scored top marks based on...

At Least 28 Hippos Found Dead in Ethiopia’s National Park

The bodies of at least 28 hippopotamuses have been found in Ethiopia's national park in the southwest of the country, local media reported Monday. The semi-aquatic mammals died in the Gibe Sheleko...

New York Is Curbing Food Waste and Helping People in Need with a New Initiative

Last week, Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature reached agreement on one of the most pro-environmental budget sessions in many years.Not surprisingly, Albany’s agreement on a new comprehensive congestion...

100 Million Tree-Planting Initiative Launched By Arbor Day Foundation

The Arbor Day Foundation today announced the launch of its Time for Trees initiative, a commitment to plant 100 million trees in forests and communities worldwide by 2022 – the 150th anniversary...

“If Everyone Does a Little, We Will Achive Only a Little”

Do you think that small acts of individuals plunge into the river of synergy and reflect onto the society as a whole? You are not lonely in perceiving our world functioning this...

Coal Prices Continue to Rise, Becoming More Costly Than Solar and Wind Alternatives

Around three-quarters of US coal production is now more expensive than solar and wind energy in providing electricity to American households, according to a new study.“Even without major policy shift we will...

Drones Are the New Cost-Effective Way to Monitor the Environment

Bay Journal Riverkeepers, researchers and volunteer monitors have long kept an eye on water quality from the ground and from the river. But, with the help of technology that’s suddenly far more accessible,...

Green Montenegro

Within the framework of negotiations with the European Union, Montenegro has recently opened Chapter 27 covering the protection of the environment. The Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism of this neighbouring country,...

Austria – One of the Best Destinations for Eco-Tourism in the World

The sustainable development is a goal which the Austrian government aims for, and there are certain areas where that goal has been almost completely achieved. Austria holds a PEFC certificate for sustainable...

World Produced 44m Tonnes of E-Waste in 2017

More than 44 million tonnes of electronic and electrical waste (e-waste) was produced globally in 2017, with a majority being sent to landfill.That’s more than six kilograms for every person on the...

Investors Worth $6.5 Trillion Demand Climate Action from Fast Food

It's not just consumers who are driving change in the food industry. For the longest time, discussions around changing the food industry have centered on diets. Whether it was farm-to-fork eating, freeganism or...



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