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The Clean Energy Economy is Gaining Ground, But Greater Efforts are Needed now to Get on Track for Net Zero by 2050

Despite encouraging signs of progress across a number of sectors, stronger efforts are needed to bring the world on track to reach net zero emissions by mid-century, according to the IEA’s latest...

Government Recommends EPS to Introduce Discounts for Households

The Serbian government recommended at its session to the Public Enterprise "Electric Power Industry of Serbia" (EPS) Belgrade to introduce a discount on electricity charges for customers from the "household" category and...

Global Energy Employment Rises Above Pre-Covid Levels, Driven by Clean Energy and Efforts to Strengthen Supply Chains

Global employment in the energy sector has risen above its pre-pandemic levels, led by increased hiring in clean energy, according to a new IEA report that offers the first worldwide benchmark for...

We are Looking Forward to New RES Projects

Reducing support for the fossil fuel industry and, on the other hand, understanding and supporting those sectors of the economy that have a significant impact on reducing pollution and climate change enable the...

A new cheaper type of non-flammable battery has been developed

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a new, cheaper type of battery as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries, which are still very expensive. The new batteries are made...

ABB and Hydrogen Optimized Expand Hydrogen Partnership, Including a Strategic Investment

ABB and Hydrogen Optimized Inc. (HOI), the Canadian technology innovator unlocking green hydrogen production at scale, have signed an agreement to expand the companies’ existing strategic relationship. This includes an investment by...

Schneider Electric is a Leader in Digitalization of Electric Energy

The need for decarbonization and reducing greenhouse gas emission has reached its peak and the important part of the entire process lies in electromobility and efforts to reduce pollution produced by the...

France Plans Fashion Revolution With Climate-Impact Labels

Is it better for the environment if you buy a brand-new cotton T-shirt or a recycled one? Well, it depends. Recycling has apparent benefits, but the process shortens cotton fibres and so usually has...

Energy Security: France Takes Emergency Measures to Boost Renewables

France gets around 20 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources – 8 per cent from wind energy, but it needs more to meet its climate goals while reinforcing energy security....

As Fuel Prices Rise, Companies Look to Energy Efficient Solutions

With fossil fuel prices reaching record highs, companies around the world are focusing on energy efficiency to save money and reduce the emissions driving the climate crisis. Research shows that a safe future...

UK Government Boosts Space Tech Funding To Cut Carbon Emissions And Improve Energy Security

Funding for pioneering new space technologies will help to cut carbon emissions, improve energy security and enhance the UK’s reputation as a science superpower, the Business and Energy Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng announced...

Global Energy and Climate Leaders Meet in Sydney to Strengthen Clean Energy Technology Supply Chains

Global energy and climate leaders are meeting this week at the Sydney Energy Forum, which is co-hosted by the Australian Government and the IEA, to discuss how to scale up and strengthen...

Blue Economy Can Help Members Boost Offshore Renewables

“An important part of the solution to today’s energy crisis may lay with our oceans as a source of local and abundant renewable energy”, said Roland Roesch, Deputy-Director of IRENA’s Innovation and...

Why the World is Missing its Chance for Clean Energy

A green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic would have helped countries to build back better while driving economic growth and job creation. But the latest Renewables 2022 Global Status Report paints a different picture. According to...

ABB To Lead Turnkey Project For Largest Shore-To-Ship Solution In France

Port of Toulon, which handles over 1.6 million ferry and cruise passengers annually, has committed to ABB Shore Connection technology at a key stage in its sustainability drive. With around 1,300 yearly calls...

European Commission And International Energy Agency In A Common Bid To Reduce EU Reliance On Russian Fossil Fuels

The European Commission and the International Energy Agency are joining forces to help EU countries reduce their reliance on Russian fossil fuels.  By strengthening investments in clean energy and energy efficiency, the project...



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