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Emissions Dip When Freight Ships Use Chips

Chip fat and other vegetable oils could be used to replace polluting fuels used to power freight vessels. Chip fat and other vegetable oils could soon be used to replace the polluting fuels...

Taxing Carbon May Sound Like a Good Idea But Does It Work?

Exxon Mobil is backing a proposal to tax oil, gas and coal companies for the carbon they emit and redistribute the money raised that way to all Americans. It's also giving a...

6 Things You Can Do to Avoid Climate Catastrophe

We've already warmed the world about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times—with disastrous effects. Sea levels are rising, coral reefs are dying, species are going extinct and extreme weather...

Low-Emission Cows: Farming Responds to Climate Warning

Farmers are ‘up for radical thought’ following bad harvests due to extreme weather, NFU says. From low-emission cows to robotic soil management, the farming industry will have to explore new approaches in the...

Historic Climate Ruling Upheld by Dutch Appeals Court

A Dutch appeals court upheld a historic climate liability ruling Tuesday, affirming that the Dutch government has to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2020 compared with 1990 levels, The Associated...

Climate Change Economists Win Nobel Prize

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics to a duo for their work on how the world can achieve sustainable growth. The prize was divided equally to...

EU Climate Law Could Cause ‘Catastrophic’ Deforestation

Senior climate scientists say that the world’s carbon sinks could be facing a grave threat from a wholly unexpected source: the EU’s renewable energy directive. The climate law could suck in as much...

50% of Industrial Climate Change Emissions Tied to Fossil Fuel Companies

The Rocky Mountain Institute recently released a report titled Decarbonization Pathways for Mines: A Headlamp in the Darkness, in which it was stated that in 2015, half of worldwide industrial greenhouse gas...

19 Global Cities Commit to Make New Buildings Net-Zero by 2030

The world's most iconic skylines are going green. Nineteen city leaders from the C40 coalition signed the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Declaration on Thursday to ensure all new buildings operate with a...

‘Turning CO2 into Useful Products Such As Concrete Will Incentivise Decarbonisation’

The University of Michigan says removing carbon dioxide from the air must be incentivised by turning the gas into a useful commodity.Its $4.5 million (£3.5m) ‘Global CO2 Initiative’ aims to reduce the...

What Is ‘Hothouse Earth’, and How Bad Would Such a Climate Catastrophe Be?

Oceans engulfing coastal cities, coral reefs eliminated and vast swathes of the Earth left completely uninhabitable. This is what we have to look forward to in a future “Hothouse Earth” – a planet...

5,500 UK Churches Switch to Renewable Energy

More than 5,500 churches including some of the UK’s most famous cathedrals have converted to renewable power to help tackle climate change. Church of England places of worship, along with Catholic, Baptist, Methodist,...

India’s Huge Solar Ambitions Could Push Coal Further into Shade

India says it intends to launch a tender for 100 gigawatts of solar power, 10 times the size of the current largest solar tender in the world – another Indian project scheduled...

Major Coal-Fired Power Plant in Washington to Go Solar

It was once Washington state's largest coal pit, a terraced, open-to-the-sky strip mine, five miles from the city of Centralia and halfway between Seattle and Portland, Oregon. Today, the coal beds are...

Cheap Carbon Capture Technology Might Make Our Climate Goals Possible

So, let’s just say it: we are not on track to meet the ambitious goals of the Paris Accord, the ambitious international agreement intended to limit global warming.If we are to reach...

‘Carbon Bubble’ Could Spark Global Financial Crisis, Study Warns

Plunging prices for renewable energy and rapidly increasing investment in low-carbon technologies could leave fossil fuel companies with trillions in stranded assets and spark a global financial crisis, a new study has...



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