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WWF to Croatian Members of EP: Vote Down the “Fake Green” Taxonomy

In a few weeks’ time, the EU could classify nuclear power and fossil gas as ‘sustainable’. More specifically, the EU is about to sign off on a list of "green" investments as...

IntenCity – Schneider Electric’s “smart building”

IntenCity is Schneider Electric's new flagship building in Grenoble, France's Scientific Polygon (Presqu’île). This year is special for Grenoble since the city has been named the 2022 European Green Capital. The award...

ABB To Lead Turnkey Project For Largest Shore-To-Ship Solution In France

Port of Toulon, which handles over 1.6 million ferry and cruise passengers annually, has committed to ABB Shore Connection technology at a key stage in its sustainability drive. With around 1,300 yearly calls...

What You Need to Know About Stockholm+50

On 2 and 3 June 2022, world leaders and representatives from government, business, international organizations, civil society and youth will gather in Sweden for Stockholm+50 – an international meeting to drive action towards a healthy...

EBRD and Donors Help Sarajevo to Become a Greener City

Sarajevo is a city of contrasts. It is home to both western and oriental architecture; it is surrounded by beautiful mountains and forests but suffers from worrying air pollution; its history is...

Who’s Afraid of Energy Crisis

The prices of fossil fuels are not standing still yet on the world market, so the kilowatts obtained from them are very expensive. It is clear that for a stable future, we...

Berlin Pushes For a 60 Euros Minimum Price on EU Carbon Markets

Discounting allegations of speculation on the EU carbon market, Berlin is throwing its weight behind a minimum price of 60 euros per ton of CO2, saying it will ensure this through national...

Kick-off Ceremony Held for Realization of Alexandroupolis FSRU in Greece

The kick-off ceremony for the realization of Gastrade SA's LNG FSRU facility in Alexandroupolis, Greece, was held on Tuesday, May 3, 2022, in the old Storage House of the Alexandroupolis Port Customs. Once...

Climate Impact of Flying Could Be Two Thirds Higher Than Thought

The EU’s proposed green aviation law overlooks the true climate cost of flying, with the non-CO2 effects of air travel producing two to four times the impact of carbon emissions, a Green...

A Key Lever For Acceleratinf EV Adoption

The introduction of smart EV charging infrastructure is becoming a global goal of essential importance for the whole world, thus accelerating this trend, and using its benefits for both consumers and the...

GGF And MF Banka Boost Green Finance in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has formed a new partnership with MF Banka in Bosnia and Herzegovina to expand access to green finance for small, and medium enterprises (SMEs). A senior...

ABB Partners with Samsung Electronics to Drive Holistic Smart Building Technology

ABB and Samsung Electronics will collaborate in a global partnership to provide jointly developed technologies for energy savings, energy management, and the smart Internet of Things (IoT) connection of both residential and...

Only Together we Can Contribute to a Sustainable Future

Travel is an integral part of modern life, and today the question is no longer whether it should become more environmentally sustainable, but only how to do it. Air France - KLM has...

The Great Barrier Reef is Suffering its 4th Mass Bleaching Event Since 2016 – here’s What That Means

It’s official: the Great Barrier Reef is suffering its fourth mass bleaching event since 2016. We dived into the reef on March 28 and saw the unfolding crisis firsthand. Descending beneath the surface...

Green Cooling – Tackling Climate Change With Eco-Friendly Technology

Natural refrigerants protect the environment and the climate. In Latin America and the Caribbean, they are replacing existing products that harm the climate.With ever longer cold chains, the global movement of goods...

Decarbonised Energy Pathway More Cost Effective than Polluting Alternatives in Central America

A decarbonisation strategy can bring benefits to the Central America region at the same or lower energy system costs than the current planning strategy, according to a new report by the International...



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