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From Investing In Nature Conservation To One Of the Most Environmentally Developed Countries

One of the smallest but greenest countries in the European Union – Slovenia – very quickly adopted European standards and achieved a high level of environmental protection. According to the report of...

More Bioplastics for Less Microplastics

Plastic pollution leads to various problems, especially for marine animals, which get injured when they get stuck in or swallow a plastic object. There are also warnings that certain plastic products should...

EU countries increase 2030 solar goals by 90 per cent but grid planning trails

Despite being expected in summer 2023, EU member states have now finally submitted their draft updated National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). 26 of 27 countries have submitted, with Austria’s on hold...

Cooperation Between Sciece and Business for a Sustainable Future

Eight years have passed since the signing of the Paris Agreement, which set the goal of holding the global average temperature increase below 2°C compared to the pre-industrial levels, with the indication...

Which EU Countries Have Met the Targets for Public Chargers?

The number of public chargers for electric vehicles has tripled in the previous three years in the EU. Data collated by the European Federation for Transport & Environment showed that at the...

Transition to Renewables Calls for New Approach to Energy Security

The transition away from fossil fuels to renewables requires a new interpretation of the concept of energy security, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) published today. Geopolitics...

Wealthy Countries Have Learned Their Lesson – They Are Trying to Restore Their Estuaries

People have always inhabited the banks of rivers that are vital to our existence, but it seems that human intervention in the last three decades is slowly taking its toll. Experts from Inha...

Social Networks from a Different Eco-Angle

Countless novelties are met with not-so-good opinions. An effective example of this is social networks where people post inappropriate and hateful words, accompanied by unpleasant visual covers, which worryingly leads us to...

MT-KOMEX BH – Regional actor for solar energy

After a hundred thousand solar panels were installed in Serbia, it was entirely natural for the company MT-KOMEX that the next step was to expand its business in the region. With significant...

Growing Number of Floating Solar Power Plants in Asia

Indonesia recently got the prototype of a marine floating solar power plant, writes Offshore Energy. The project called Solar2Wave is a milestone in developing solar energy in Indonesia, which has successfully overcome...

How Banks Finance the Deforestation of the Amazon

According to the latest research by the non-governmental organization Greenpeace, loans from Brazilian national and international banks and taxpayers’ money finance the illegal clearing of the Amazon rainforest. The investigation analyzed the granting...

Up to 11 Million Tons of Plastic at the Bottom of the Ocean

People are primarily concerned about the pollution of the sea by visible plastic floating on the surface of the water, but what should worry us, even more, is the sunken plastic waste...

ESG In the Oil Industry – Sustainable Business Implies Responsibility

The focus of the last United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development Goals, which took place in mid-September, was precisely on fulfilling these goals. Officials warn that the situation is slowly but surely...

EBRD and Erste Approve Financing for new Windfarm in Serbia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), together with Erste Group Bank AG and its local bank Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad (Erste), have approved a financing package worth 91.4 million...

Green Planet between Dystopia and Utopia

That day, at the front door of my building, I was intercepted by an upset neighbor with the announcement that “The lift is not working again!” I noticed that my neighbor was...

Old Mines Can Be Used for Energy Storage

In addition to renewable energy production facilities being built left and right, the energy transition we are striving for also requires the construction of energy storage facilities since the efficiency of renewable...



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