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Short and Compact: All Possibilities

The Dome 6 system offers a flexible and suitable mounting solution for all flat roof requirements for your next PV project. With optimised ballasting and simple mounting, the Dome 6 system is...

Power-sector Emissions are Set to Fall in 2022. – Thanks to Renewable Energy

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine triggered an unprecedented global energy crisis, the world has been turning to other sources of power, besides oil and gas, to meet demand. Renewable energy has seen a...

Energy Knows No Boundaries

At the recently held conference of RES Serbia 2021, Viktor Andonov, Energy Advisor to the Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, was one of the most notable guests. According to him, such an...

When Clean Environment Brings the Eco-Friendly Municipality title

Čajetina municipality in Serbia has set a very clear and ambitious goal for itself. It is inclined to officially become the first eco-friendly municipality in Serbia. At the moment when our problems seem...

Energy Transition: from Commitment to Action

The energy transition grounded in renewables delivers jobs and economic growth, underpins sustainable development, improves health and is among the most effective responses to climate change. However, the transition must move much faster...

Hybrid Power Plants & Flexibility — The Future Of The Grid

Imagine an electric grid powered by clean, renewable energy. Now imagine that this grid provides all the comfort and convenience consumers have come to expect as well as grid reliability and resiliency...

Global Electricity Demand is Growing Faster than Renewables, Driving Strong Increase in Generation From Fossil Fuels

Renewables are expanding quickly but not enough to satisfy a strong rebound in global electricity demand this year, resulting in a sharp rise in the use of coal power that risks pushing...

South African Companies Now Allowed To Generate Up To 100 MW Without Applying For Generation License

South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa has just announced that the threshold for companies to produce their own electricity without a licence will now be increased from the current 1 MW to 100 MW....

IRENA Report Identifies Policy Measures to Advance Jordan’s Transition to Renewables

A new report published today by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has identified a series of policy measures that can help advance the energy transition towards renewable energy in Jordan. The “Renewables...

Latest EEA Study Finds Multiple Benefits of Switch to Renewable Electricity

The increased use of renewable electricity across the European Union has not only reduced pressures linked to climate change, but also to air and water pollution (particulate matter formation, eutrophication and acidification),...

Airbus Plans to Launch a Carbon-Free Aircraft by 2035

Airbus has unveiled three visual concepts for “zero emission” airplanes to be powered by hydrogen. It is the planemaker’s latest effort to draw public attention to its “zero-emission” ambitions as European governments push...

Institutional Capital: Closing the Energy Transformation Investment Gap

The energy transformation is unstoppable. Renewable energy capacity additions have consistently outpaced the growth of traditional forms of energy over much of the last decade and in what has been dubbed the...

Agrophotovoltaic News — Bifacial Panels In Germany, Grazing Sheep In Austria

Agrophotovoltaics is a fancy word that means it is possible to combine solar power with farming in a way that benefits both. In theory, it would be possible to meet all the...

Islands Aim to Phase out Fossil Fuels and Build Climate Resilience

From the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean to the farthest reaches of the Indian and Pacific oceans, island communities face common and increasingly daunting energy challenges. On top of their vulnerability to climate change,...

Say NO to a toxic Europe!

We call on you to guarantee that the new EU Chemicals Strategy protects our health and the environment, and fully lives up to the Commission’s commitments towards the zero pollution ambition for...

Sweden Shutters Last Coal-Fired Generating Plant 2 Years Early

It’s good news when a nation makes plans to rid itself of electricity generated from burning coal. It’s even better news when it does so ahead of schedule. Swedish utility Stockholm Exergi...



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