Search results for:carbon dioxide

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Planet has Just 5% Chance of Reaching Paris Climate Goal, Study Says

There is only a five per cent chance that the Earth will avoid warming by at least 2C come the end of the century, according to new research that paints a sobering...

Study: Solar Heating Could Provide More Than 80% Of Heating Energy For Households In Finland

Up to around ~80% of the heating energy needed for Finnish households could be met through the use of solar energy, depending upon the method of technical implementation, according to a new...

Earth Overshoot Day Lands on August 2.

By August 2, 2017, we will have used more from nature than our planet can renew in the whole year. We use more ecological resources and services than nature can regenerate through overfishing,...

DRAGAN VIDANOVIĆ: Energy Passports for Public Buildings provided in Babušnica

This winter we talked with the Mayor of Babušnica, Mr. Dragan Vidanović about the activities carried out in the municipality. Our interlocutor confirms that it is one of the most underdeveloped municipalities...

Galway Wind Farm to Aid Irish Climate Targets

The Republic of Ireland is hoping that a new wind farm in the west of Ireland will help it meet its international climate change targets. It is understood there will be 69 turbines...

100 Fossil Fuel Producers Responsible For 71% Of Emissions Since 1988

A historic new report from CDP has revealed that 71% of all greenhouse gas emissions since 1988 can be traced back to only 100 fossil fuel producers, a group which together are...

New Study Suggests We Are Headed For Warmest Climate In Half A Billion Years

Carbon dioxide concentrations are heading towards values not seen in the past 200m years. The sun has also been gradually getting stronger over time. Put together, these facts mean the climate may...

City of Edmonds Becomes 1st in Washington to Commit to 100% Renewables

The city of Edmonds in Washington has committed to a community-wide goal of transitioning to 100 per cent clean and renewable energy by 2025. The resolution was approved in the Edmonds City Council...

May 2017 Was 2nd Warmest May On Record, Behind Only May 2016

May 2017 was the second warmest (or hottest) May on record — in terms of global average surface temperatures. It was only a tenth of a degree behind the current record holder,...

Report: There is Enough UK CO2 Storage Capacity for Decades to Come

There is ample capacity for storing captured carbon dioxide emissions, according to a new report that argues low cost storage sites could support a series of carbon capture hubs along the east...

Energia Opens Ireland’s Largest Ever Wind Farm in Donegal

Ireland’s largest ever windfarm officially has opened following a €145m investment by Energia at Meenadreen in south Donegal. Ireland’s leading competitive energy provider Energia will use power from Meenadreen to supply green electricity...

Eco-Friendly Graphene-Based Paint Launches in the UK

A new paint made with graphene could save energy and cut the heating and cooling bills of buildings across the UK, following its national launch in the country earlier this month. Graphenstone, which...

FRENCH PRESIDENT: If Trump Pulls out of the Paris Agreement, U.S. Climate Scientists Can Go to France

Where U.S. president Donald Trump stands on climate change is no secret, and his administration has already put into effect a number of efforts that clearly demonstrate this. Now, perhaps the biggest...

World’s First Commercial Plant Sucking CO2 from Air Launches in Switzerland (PHOTOS)

The world's first commercial plant to suck carbon dioxide out of the air will open today in Zurich in what its creators are claiming is a "historic moment" for negative emissions technology. The...

David Suzuki: Plastic Pollution Is Choking the Planet

People who deny that humans are wreaking havoc on the planet's life-support systems astound me. When confronted with the obvious damage we're doing to the biosphere—from climate change to water and air...

Solar Energy Brings A Ray Of Hope To Salt Farmers In Gujarat

A vast majority of India's salt comes from Gujarat's Little Rann of Kutch desert. Here, about 43,000 salt farmers, mostly women, work in brutal heat to produce salt from briny tidal water....



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