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More & More Bus Fleets Transition From Diesel To Battery-Electric

Up until recently, the majority of the US public transit system was powered by polluting fossil fuels such as diesel, which pose a serious risk to public health and contribute to global...

Agrophotovoltaic News — Bifacial Panels In Germany, Grazing Sheep In Austria

Agrophotovoltaics is a fancy word that means it is possible to combine solar power with farming in a way that benefits both. In theory, it would be possible to meet all the...

ABB Factory in India Wins Gold Certification for Sustainability and Eco-Efficiency

Embedding sustainable technologies lies at the heart of ABB’s purpose. A very clear proof point of this is the company’s factory in Nashik, India, which was recently recognized with a gold certification...

Partnership Between UNEP and ReNew Power to Increase Access to Clean Energy in India

India’s largest renewable energy company, ReNew Power, and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) have signed a partnership agreement to promote increased access to renewable energy and improved energy efficiency.The strengthened partnership between...

ABB Breaks Ground on $30 Million Facility for EV Chargers to Meet Global Demand

ABB has marked the start of construction at its new facility in San Giovanni Valdarno, Italy, which will serve as a global Center of Excellence and production site for electric vehicle charging...

Obverse and Reverse of Electric Power Sector

When it comes to fossil fuels, Serbia is a rather poor country. The main, available energy source is low-quality coal, namely lignite. Oil and gas reserves are relatively moderate, and their exploitation...

Green, Green Grass of Sombor

It is not just the hackberries and yew trees that are the green symbol of Sombor given that the environmental standards and clean technology are also being more and more applied in...

Environmentally Conscious Tourists Are Attracted to Eco-Friendly Destinations

If you are a fan of unspoiled nature hidden between the Montenegrin mountains and the Adriatic Sea, surely it must have happened to you, at least once, to be stuck for hours...

Renewables Account for Almost Three Quarters of New Capacity in 2019

The renewable energy sector added 176 gigawatts (GW) of generating capacity globally in 2019, marginally lower than the (revised) 179 GW added in 2018. However, new renewable power accounted for 72 per...

Oil Price Volatility Will Give a Boost to Renewables

Everyone loves low prices, but what the business community values most of all is predictability. The recent volatility in global oil markets — spearheaded by a fight to the death between Saudi...

Battery Storage Paves Way for a Renewable-Powered Future

Battery storage systems are emerging as one of the key solutions to effectively integrate high shares of solar and wind renewables in power systems worldwide. A recent analysis from the International Renewable...

ABB’s Success Formula

Presenting a world-class company that achieves notable results in numerous areas can be a challenging task. One of those companies is ABB, which is paving the way for the future by introducing...

Join the Transport Revolution!

Supporters of the greening of the transport sector are trying to spend as little time as possible holding steering wheels. That is why they walk, ride bikes, use public transportation, or ride...

Water Well on a Roof? Innovative Hydro Panels Transform Air into Water

American startup Zero Mass Water unveiled an innovative device called REXI, at the CES Electronics Show in January, designed to provide consumers with clean, drinking water from the air.REXI is half the...

The Growth of EV Charging Network

According to the data coming from public and private companies, the number of delivered and installed chargers for electric vehicles is on the rise in Serbia. If this upward trend in the...

Offshore Windfarms ‘Can Provide More Electricity Than the World Needs’

Erecting wind turbines on the world’s best offshore sites could provide more than enough clean energy to meet global electricity demand, according to a report.A detailed study of the world’s coastlines has...



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