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IEA Encourages Turkey to Deepen Energy Market Reforms

Since the last IEA in-depth review in 2009, Turkey has made significant progress in reforming its energy sector. Completing the reforms will allow Turkey to tap into its renewable and energy efficiency...

Oslo’s Radical “Climate Budget” Aims to Halve Carbon Emissions in Four Years

Oslo's leftist city government issued its first "climate budget" on Wednesday aiming to halve greenhouse gas emission within four years in one of the world's most radical experiments to slow global warming. The...

IEA urges Japan to decarbonise its energy supply

Japan should balance and diversify its energy mix through a combination of renewable and nuclear energy and efficient thermal power generation, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said today in its latest review...

Spain Closes In on 50 Percent Renewable Power Generation

Over the first eight months of this year, Spain averaged an impressive 47.2 percent renewable energy share in its generation mix. The achievement was reported by Spanish electricity transmission system operator, Red...

Pump CO2 Into Rocks Under The North Sea, Ministers Told

The huge undertaking would require planning not seen since the 2012 Olympics. Parliamentary advisors have urged the government to invest in a vast network of pipes designed to store CO2 in rocks under...

Adapting to a Drier World

Water, which covers more than two-thirds of the planet’s surface, is fundamental to life. It is also essential to energy production. Water is critical to pumping oil and natural gas out of the...

Ignalina Turbine Hall Dismantling Completed

Work that began in October 2011 to dismantle the turbine halls of unit 1 of the Ignalina nuclear power plant - or the B9/1 project - has been completed. The dismantled equipment...

Duke Energy Receives new 30-year Operating License for Keowee-Toxaway Hydroelectric Project

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has issued a new 30-year operating license for Duke Energy's Keowee-Toxaway Hydroelectric Project, which will allow the company to continue operating the Jocassee Pumped Storage Hydro...

How sun, salt and glass could help solve our energy needs

High in the stark Nevada desert, a couple of hundred miles north-west of Las Vegas, is the shimmering circular mirage of Crescent Dunes. Ten thousand silvery glass panels, each measuring 115 square...

UK to double French energy supplies with new cable

A privately funded project has announced it will build a £1.1bn cross Channel electricity cable which will double the amount of energy the UK presently receives from France. The cable, called an...

IEA data shows global energy production and consumption continue to rise

Reflecting the IEA’s increasingly global perspective, for the first time the Agency’s OECD and non-OECD Energy Balances and Statistics reports have been merged into two comprehensive global reports on energy data. World...

From Swords to Solar, a German Town Takes Control of its Energy

The German town of Saerbeck is a swords to solar panels story. Above this former German military ammunition camp, perched atop a metal stem like an oversized stalk of wheat, giant blades...

Addressing Climate Change with Low-Carbon Energy Centers

Last autumn, as part of MIT’s Plan for Action on Climate Change, the Institute announced plans to create Low-Carbon Energy Centers to advance key technologies that will address climate change. Since then,...

Record 46% of UK’s Electricity Generated by Clean Energy Sources in 2015

Almost half the UK’s electricity came from clean energy sources such as wind and nuclear power last year, official figures have revealed. Renewables accounted for a quarter of the country’s power supplies in...

Good Emissions Trading Programs are Unique, Not One-Size-Fits-All

Climate change is a global problem — but its solution relies on national, regional, and local policy actions. Take the issue of greenhouse gas emissions markets, which put a price on, say,...

To Fight Climate Change, We Need to ‘Uberize’ the Energy Industry

Organizing capital, in isolation, isn’t enough to get hundreds of Elon Musks dedicating themselves to building companies that develop critical new wind, solar, nuclear and battery technology. In June, Hemant Taneja attended a breakfast...



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