Search results for:green transport

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New Electric School Buses In Virginia & Massachusetts

We will cover basically every electric school bus story that comes across our desk, because it is that important for schools — shuttling around many of our youngest, most vulnerable kids —...

Recycling Wind Turbine Blades

Wind turbines have increased in size and quantity to meet clean energy capacity demands Modern wind power converts the kinetic (movement) energy from wind into mechanical energy. This happens through the turning of...

New Strains of Rice Could Address Climate Change

Rice is a staple for more than 3.5 billion people, including most of the world’s poor. But it can be a problematic crop to farm. It requires massive amounts of water and...

New Jersey’s Plan To Cut Global Warming Emissions 80 percentage By 2050

As I wrote earlier today, New Jersey has a legal requirement to cut its greenhouse gas emissions 80 percentage by 2050, based on 2006 levels. Its biggest source of emissions is transportation, accounting...

Latest Evaluation Shows Europe’s Nature in Serious, Continuing Decline

A majority of EU wide protected species, such as the Saker Falcon and the Danube Salmon, and habitats from grasslands to dunes across Europe, face an uncertain future unless more is urgently...

More & More Bus Fleets Transition From Diesel To Battery-Electric

Up until recently, the majority of the US public transit system was powered by polluting fossil fuels such as diesel, which pose a serious risk to public health and contribute to global...

Renewables Could Cover More Than One-Third of Energy Demand in CESEC

Within ten years, the economies of Central and South Eastern Europe could cover 34 percentage of their rising energy demand cost-effectively with renewables, a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency...

Say NO to a toxic Europe!

We call on you to guarantee that the new EU Chemicals Strategy protects our health and the environment, and fully lives up to the Commission’s commitments towards the zero pollution ambition for...

EIB and IDF sign €50 million loan to support faster post-COVID recovery

Montenegrin small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and mid-caps in tourism and other sectors severely affected by COVID-19 will benefit from a €50 million loan that the European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed...

South Africa Aims to Stop Marine Litter at Its Source

The coast of South Africa’s Kwazulu-Natal province looks like it was pulled from a postcard, with wide, sandy beaches stretching for some 600 kilometres. International and local tourists flock here in normal...

A Live Wire

The NordLink cable will directly connect the German and Norwegian energy markets for the first time. Electricity from wind and hydropower will be exchanged to ensure supply reliability, stable prices and a higher...

Taking Charge for an Electric Future

On World EV Day, (9th September) drivers from more than 60 countries have made a firm commitment to transition to an electric vehicle. The online pledge campaign, which was launched by ABB and...

Latin America’s Energy Community Underlines Link Between Energy Transformation and Prosperity

High-level energy and climate decision makers from Latin America and the Caribbean underlined the importance of low-carbon energy policy to securing stable, long-term prosperity across regional economies, during a webinar co-hosted by...

This App Plants Trees When People Make Lower-Carbon Choices

Ant Forest is a mobile game that has become China’s largest private sector tree-planting scheme. The game has funded the planting of more than 120 million trees, covering more than 100,000...

How Cities Are Using Nature to Keep Heatwaves at Bay

The more the planet warms, the more cities are finding they need new ways to keep urban temperatures down and protect their residents. Heatwaves are already by far the deadliest weather-related disasters...

IRENA Puts Energy Transformation at Heart of Sustainable Recovery Agenda

Governments can align immediate economic stimulus needs with medium to long-term decarbonisation and sustainable development objectives by targeting policy measures and public spending towards the energy transformation, a new report by the...



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