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World Leaders Set for Pivotal Environmental Assembly

In February 2021, representatives of the 193 Member States of the UN, businesses leaders, civil society and environmentalists from around the world will come together virtually for the fifth session of the...

These Are the ‘Positive’ Tipping Points That Could Slow Global Warming

There may be light at the end of the tunnel in the battle to reduce carbon emissions. Governments and institutions could help halt carbon emissions with just a few carefully selected policy measures,...

Plastics, a growing environmental and climate concern: how can Europe revert that trend?

The challenges posed by plastics are to a large extent due to the fact that our production and consumption systems are not sustainable. The COVID-19 pandemic and climate change have amplified public...

Surge in Court Cases Over Climate Change Shows Increasing Role of Litigation in Addressing the Climate Crisis

Climate litigation cases have spiked in recent years, making the courtroom increasingly relevant to efforts to address climate change around the world. A UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report released today finds that...

Reform Is Not Enough to Build Trust – a Call for System Change

In 2021, the world has a chance to not just move beyond the acute COVID-19 public health crisis, but to do it in a way that sets us on a just and...

Jamaica: Plastics Ban Creates New Opportunities

Every September, on International Coastal Cleanup Day in Jamaica, plastic is the most collected material. In 2019, the top 10 items collected were all single-use plastic and polystyrene (foam) waste, anything from...

This Electric Car Battery Takes the Same Time to Charge as Filling up With Gas

An electric-car battery that can be charged in five minutes, the amount of time it takes to fill up a tank of gas, has been produced for the first time in a...

Sustainability: What Are the Alternatives to Economic Growth?

The EEA briefing 'Growth without economic growth' presents an overview of the various ideas about progress beyond economic growth. Economic growth is closely linked to increasing production, consumption and resource use, which has...

Protected Areas Are the Best „Tool“ for Nature Conservation

Headlines about the extinction of numerous plant and animal species have experienced the fate of the majority of bad news. They are multiplying and, unfortunately, drowning in a sea of information that...

Mitigating Climate Change: It Starts With Better Ocean Data

For years (and we mean many years), the ocean helped us mitigate the early effects of human emissions by absorbing greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide and heat, from the atmosphere. As a...

Transforming Agri-Food Systems to Feed the World and Tackle Climate Change

Feeding the world's growing population while limiting the impacts of climate change will require urgent and radical transformation of our agri-food systems, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said at a High-Level event commemorating...

IRENA and African Development Bank Partner to Scale up Renewables Investments in Africa

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and the African Development Bank (AfDB), have agreed to work closely together to advance the continent’s energy transition through joint initiatives that support investments in low-carbon...

EBRD and EU Advance Honey Producer’s Development in Moldova

Nestled in the picturesque village of Costești, Moldova, Regina Naturii manufactures and trades jars of delicious natural delicacies. The honey producer may well have borrowed its work ethic from industrious bees in...

Concentrating Solar Power Gets Supercritical CO2 Makeover

Concentrating solar power may have finally found its one true love: supercritical carbon dioxide, aka sCO2, which is something that happens when carbon dioxide gas behaves like a liquid. The electricity generation...

How to Turn Industrial Carbon Emissions Into Building Materials

When Sophia Hamblin Wang flew to Davos, Switzerland, in January 2020, swathes of her home country, Australia, was on fire."So many of my communities were affected in profound ways. We could feel...

Namibia’s Locust Crisis: “They have no Mercy at All”

“This is the first time seeing such a scary situation ever since i was born here. Nothing else can compare to such a serious threat,” said farmer Fabian Sisamu. “It is the worst...



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