Search results for:global warming

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Think Big Oil’s a Problem? “Big Meat” Emits More Greenhouse Gas Than Most Countries

The meat and dairy industry now produces more greenhouse gas emissions worldwide than the transportation industry. For a chance to stave off global warming, we need to radically change how we produce...

China Has an Ambitious Five-Year Plan to Convert Homes to Clean Heating

China has taken several steps this year to curb its greenhouse gas emissions. The nation has tested new electric vehicles, shut down coal-burning factories, and moved forward on plans for “sponge cities”...

Paris: World Bank Will No Longer Finance Oil and Gas Projects Starting from 2019

In a move meant to aid countries reach greenhouse gas-curbing targets set by the 2015 Paris Agreement to limit global warming, the World Bank has announced that it will stop financing oil...

World Temperatures To Rise By Up To 15% More By 2100 Than Previously Thought, Study Finds

Earlier estimates may have understated the extent by which world temperatures will rise by 2100 by up to 15%, according to a new study published in the journal Nature. In other words, if...

Mixed Forests Are Healthier, But Can They Survive Climate Change?

German researchers have confirmed once again that a good forest is a mixed forest, a natural one, with a diversity of species. The more diverse the forest, the better it becomes at...

History of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles from the First Cars until Today

When it comes to cars today, it mainly refers to vehicles with an internal combustion engine (ICE) that draws its energy from a reservoir containing some kind of fossil fuel (gasoline, diesel or...

Open Ocean Wind Farms Could Power the World

Two Californian scientists have worked out how to achieve a wind-powered world that provides the entire planet with wind energy without spoiling the view with turbines on every hilltop. The answer: take wind...

Regenerative Agriculture: Our Best Hope of Cooling the Planet

Another report sounding the alarm about climate change. Another missed opportunity to talk about the most promising solution: regenerative agriculture. The New York Times cited a new report by the notoriously conservative Government...

Coal Is Going Down, Even Without the Clean Power Plan

Last Monday, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt announced he will repeal the Obama administration's regulation to curb power plant carbon emissions, telling coal miners in Kentucky that "the war on...

Ambitious 1.5C Paris Climate Target is Still Possible, New Analysis Shows

The highly ambitious aim of limiting global warming to less than 1.5C remains in reach, a new scientific analysis shows. The 1.5C target was set as an aspiration by the global Paris climate...

Asia’s Glaciers to Shrink by a Third by 2100, Threatening Water Supply of Millions

Asia’s mountain glaciers will lose at least a third of their mass through global warming by the century’s end, with dire consequences for millions of people who rely on them for fresh...

Huge Tunisian Solar Park Hopes to Provide Saharan Power to Europe

An enormous solar park in the Sahara could soon be exporting electricity to Europe if Tunisia’s government approves an energy company’s request to build it. The 4.5GW mega-project planned by TuNur would pipe...

Climate Change Is Making Fish Smaller

Seafood lovers be warned. That delectable slab of seared tuna on your plate soon could become a lot smaller—and more scarce—thanks to climate change. As ocean temperatures climb, many species of fish—tuna among...

FCO Climate Headcount Down 60 Per Cent Since 2011, FOI Reveals

The number of UK-based diplomats working on climate change issues for the UK government has fallen dramatically over the last six years, new Freedom of Information data released publicly earlier this week...

France Plans to Ban Fossil Fuel Production

Unprecedented and "never-before-seen" impacts of climate change are all around us. From Hurricanes' Harvey and Irma to massive flooding in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal to forest fires burning through the west coast...

Santa Fe Aiming for 100% Renewable Energy by 2025

New Mexico's capital has joined the growing movement of U.S. cities committing to 100 percent renewable energy. On Wednesday, Santa Fe's City Council unanimously adopted Mayor Javier Gonzales' resolution directing City Manager Brian...



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