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Insects Populations Have Been Declining for Nearly 100 Years, Study Reveals

Insect populations have been steadily changing over recent years. A new study, based on 41 countries across 5 continents has found that land-based insects have been declining at a rate of...

Pakistan’s ‘Green Stimulus’ Scheme Is a Win-Win for the Environment and the Unemployed

Pakistan's government are offering labourers, who are out of work due to the coronavirus lockdown, a chance to earn money by planting trees. The project is part of Pakistan's existing initiative...

Here Is What COVID-19 Teaches Us About ‘Social Learning’ and the Environment

The dire social and economic impact of COVID-19 could worsen environmental destruction in the long run. But the pandemic is also teaching us how to use individual choices to tackle a...

Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Thriving World

The development of sustainable energy projects, including finance and advisory services, makes the core business of E3 International (E3I). Bonnie Norman, president of E3 International and well-known advisor on the creation of...

The Delicate Relationship Between People, Wildlife and the Pathogens

In the past, coronaviruses that circulated in humans caused only mild infections. This changed in 2002, when the SARS-CoV virus presented itself in humans as the disease we now know as SARS....

Knowledge From Sarajevo Becomes the Development Potential of the Region

About 300 km from Belgrade, there is one city which I love a lot. Sarajevo is located on the coast of the Miljacka – which would perform a miracle indeed if it...

Why Earth Day 2020 Is More Important Than Ever?

22 April is Earth Day. While the coronavirus (COVID-19) has been spreading around the world and dominating news headlines, thoughts and attention, the need to take climate action has remained as urgent...

Europe’s Environmental Footprints Exceed Several Safe Limits

Global sustainability challenges increasingly raise concerns about the stability of the Earth system that supports all life on our planet. A joint study by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Swiss...

What to Do With Healthcare Waste?

Interview with Keith Alverson, Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) International Environmental Technology Centre in Osaka, Japan. The Centre has produced a Compendium of Technologies for Treatment/Destruction of Healthcare Waste,...

Virus Which Causes COVID-19 Threatens Great Ape Conservation

Both great ape research and tourism have allowed people to learn about chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans, and to observe them from a close proximity. Great ape tourism also serves as an...

The Hidden Risks Nature Loss Poses for Businesses

Nature loss is still a hidden risk for many businesses. This must change - both for the sake of businesses and the environment. Here are four actions businesses can take to...

A Key Issue for Climate Change – What Passenger Cars Are Made Of

When you see a new car, you might think of the speed it can attain, the sound system on offer, the upholstery, or its range, if electric. But have you ever stopped...

Global Light Pollution Is Affecting Ecosystems – What Can We Do?

For hundreds of millions of years, the web of life on land has been dependent on, and determined by, day and night, light and dark. Photosynthesis, the process by which plants grow,...

Investments in Better Living Conditions and Sustainable Solutions

KfW is a financial institution for domestic business, namely in Germany, but also for countries in the processes of development and transition. In addition to its headquarter in Frankfurt, it has regional...

Major New Actions for Migratory Species

Ten migratory species added to global wildlife agreement including the Asian Elephant, Jaguar and Great Indian Bustard Gandhinagar declaration sends strong message on importance of migratory species for new global biodiversity...

Three Ways the United Nations Environment Programme Works to Address Illegal Trade in Wildlife

The world is dealing with unprecedented threats to wildlife. The loss of habitat from farming, mining and new urban developments has dramatically decreased the natural space for wildlife. Add to that the...



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