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Masdar Expands Renewables Portfolio Amid Flurry of Solar Deals Across Middle East

As clean energy firm Masdar unveiled a raft of deals aimed at expanding its renewables portfolio internationally, a flurry of wind and solar investments this week further served to highlight the Middle...

Beijing Meets Air Quality Improvement Goals With Crackdown on Polluters

Beijing successfully lowered air pollution levels following a crackdown on polluters last year, bringing China's capital in line with air quality targets, according to Chinese officials. The announcement Wednesday by the Beijing Municipal...

Huge China Reforestation Campaign Kicks Into High Gear

If you want a feel-good story about a country that takes climate change seriously and is willing to take significant steps to protect the environment, China is a good place to start....

Germany Had So Much Renewable Energy Over Christmas It Had to Pay People to Use It

People in Germany essentially got paid to use electricity on Christmas. Electricity prices in the country went negative for many customers - as in, below zero - on Sunday and Monday, because the...

Nikola Rajaković: Will Conventional Energy in Serbia Be Able to Respond to the Challenge of Electromobility?

It became clear to all of us that the Republic of Serbia is seriously preparing for the transport transformation - from traditional fossil fuels vehicles to sustainable electric and hybrid cars, buses,...

Report: US Records ‘Lowest Renewables Plus Storage Bids’ to Date

The growing attractiveness of the US renewables sector was again underlined last week, as a new analysis detailed how wind and solar projects in Colorado are set to undercut the cost of...

Ice Will Return but Extinctions Can’t Be Reversed. We Must Act now

We have to develop digital forecasts of species’ responses to climate change, design robust strategies to protect as many as possible, and help nature to adapt. Each day increasingly dangerous hurricanes, wildfires, and...

Green Tech Will Be Everywhere in 2018: Politics Cannot Stop the Revolution

In 2017, clean power gathered unprecedented momentum. Multiple automakers launched entire families of electric vehicles (EVs), including the most exciting one yet, Tesla's Model 3. With climate change problems mounting, national and local...

Shanghai Flying Car Tower to Clean the Air with a 50,000-Plant Vertical Forest

Flying cars seem to be moving from the realm of science fiction to reality – and Richard’s Architecture + Design (RA+D) helmed by architect Richard Moreta Castillo has already designed a net-zero...

California Poised to Hit 50% Renewable Target a Full Decade Ahead of Schedule

Every year, the California Energy Commission releases its Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) report, which gives details about the mix of energy experienced by all utilities within the state during the preceding 12...

Bitcoin’s Energy Cost Is Huge and Growing

Bitcoin has been in the limelight for years, but in the last few months it has been rapidly increasing in value. A year ago, Bitcoin was worth less than a thousand dollars...

‘My Priority’: Macron Promises to Use Nuclear and Renewables to Deliver Emissions Cuts

Fresh from the success of hosting the One Planet Summit in Paris last week, French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday underscored his commitment to decarbonising the country's energy system. In an interview with broadcaster...

Jovana Mehandžić Đurđić: Free Charging of Electric Cars at IKEA

We have all heard of the Swedish giant IKEA - the world's leading retail chain with a wide range of home decor products. The main concept of IKEA involves developing products that...

Tesla Set to Beat 100 Day Deadline for Giant Australian Battery Project

Tesla is set to deliver on its promise to complete the world's largest lithium-ion battery project within 100 days, after the South Australian government today confirmed testing of the high profile installation...

Puerto Rico Gov. to Bolster Island’s Electric Grid With Renewables as Lights Go Out Again

Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello sent out a tweet boasting about the island finally reaching a 50 percent power threshold after Hurricane Maria wiped out the electric grid 56 days ago. "Then 'boom'...

MATT MCGRATH: Are Vehicles Greener on the Other Side as Well

With Matt McGrath, BBC journalist specialized in reporting on science and ecology, we discussed the steps that are being taken in the United Kingdom to alleviate the apparent climatic changes caused by...



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