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Oslo To Add 70 Electric Buses By Summer Of 2019

Norway is proud of its reputation as a center for electric cars in Europe but until now, its public transportation fleet has not been as green as it might be. That will...

World’s First Road That Recharges Vehicles While Driving Opens in Sweden

Sweden inaugurated on Wednesday the first road of its kind that can recharge commercial and passenger car batteries while driving. The eRoadArlanda project consists of 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) of electric rail installed...

Old Electronics Could Be More Profitable Than Literal Gold Mines

Forget panning for gold or extracting copper ore. A new study shows that recovering metals from discarded electronics, a process known as urban mining, is far less expensive than mining them the...

China Joins World Green Building Council Community

China's Green Building Council has officially partnered with the World Green Building Council in a major boost to international efforts to curb the environmental impact of the building and construction sectors, the...

ABB Technologies to Enable Expansion of Solar Park in Dubai

ABB has won an order worth more than $90 million from Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), the leading power utility in United Arab Emirates (UAE), to build the Shams 400 kV...

Pollution Sources Have Increased More Than 50% In Last 8 Years, China’s Environment Ministry Reports

In relation to a new nationwide survey meant to ascertain the amount of environmental damage done by the last 30 years of rapid growth, China’s environment ministry has revealed that the number...

Land Degradation Threatens Human Wellbeing

Land degradation is undermining the wellbeing of two-fifths of humanity, raising the risks of migration and conflict, according to the most comprehensive global assessment of the problem to date. The UN-backed report underscores...


Katarina MilenkovicKatarina Milenkovic–President of citizen’s society “Ama Centre” and the coordinator of “Bastaliste” Katarina Milenkovic graduated communication from a Faculty of Political Sciences, the University of Belgrade. She was engaged in journalism and...

Marija JEVTIC: We Have Upset the Planet – Now It Retalitates against Us

On the occasion of the World Environment Day, we had the opportunity to listen to the lecture by professor Marija Jevtic, Ph.D. on air, climate, energy and their importance for health. Marija...

C40 Reveals Cities’ Emissions Are Up To 60% Higher, Resulting In Bigger Reduction Opportunities

A new analysis from the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group has revealed that cities are actually generating up to 60% more greenhouse gasses than currently estimated due to the impact of trade...

Arctic Has Warmest Winter On Record

The Arctic winter comes and goes — but ever so differently as warming trends prevail. Increasing temperatures and glacial caving continue as Mother Nature gets hotter — at the top of our...

Temperature Rise over 2° Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit) Possible in 13 Global Cities in 2020s, Study Finds

Over just the next decade or so, 13 large global cities are facing temperature rises that could exceed 2° degrees Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit), according to a new report from the Urban Climate...

Thomas LUBECK, IFC: Tailwinds to the Financial Market

International Finance Corporation - IFC, one of the five members of the World Bank Group, is the world's largest institution that encourages economic development by investing in the private sector in emerging...

UK Carbon Emissions Fall to 1890 Levels

The last time annual UK carbon dioxide emissions were as consistently low as they are currently air travel was still an unproven invention and Oscar Wilde was preparing to publish his first...

IKEA Enjoys Sustainable Product Sales Growth and Clean Energy Uptick

IKEA has revealed further growth in global sales across its sustainable products range last year, as the Swedish furniture giant today reported progress on renewable energy generation as part of its latest...

Lidija Kesar, NGO FRACTAL: Citizens Have the Right to Know What Kind of Air they Breathe

Everyone should be aware of the fact that air pollution is one of the most important problems at the moment in environmental protection in Serbia. If you asked any man in the...



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