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There’s a Bold New Plan to Make Ocean Trash a Thing of the Past

The way things are going now, our oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050. An ambitious United Nations campaign aims to stop this from happening. On Wednesday, UN Environment announced its...

Rising Carbon Emissions Could Kill Off Vital Corals by 2100, Study Warns

The destruction of coral reefs worldwide could accelerate as rising carbon emissions help coral-killing seaweeds grow more poisonous and take over, according to researchers. A Griffith University study on the Great Barrier Reef...

Hangzhou Fengling Finishes 200 MW Solar-Aquaculture Project

The developer connected the massive installation to the grid earlier this month in eastern China, roughly 150 kilometres south of Shanghai. The panels were mounted on piles above the surface of the Changhe...

Green Light for Wyoming Giant

The US has given the green light to the Power Company of Wyoming’s (PWC) 1.5GW Chokecherry Sierra Madre wind farm, the first part of a two-phase 3GW development. The Federal Bureau of Land...

Montenegro’s Pristine Lake Skadar Threatened by New Resort

Tourism in Montenegro is booming, but the approval of plans for a new ‘eco-resort’ has led to protests from conservationists who fear it will threaten a stunning national park. Like it’s Adriatic neighbour...

Barack Obama Bans Oil and Gas Drilling in Most of Arctic and Atlantic Oceans

Obama uses law that allows presidents to block sale of new offshore drilling and mining rights and makes it difficult for their successors to reverse decision. Barack Obama has permanently banned new oil...

UN Biodiversity Conference Results in Significant Commitments for Action on Biodiversity

Governments agreed on actions that will accelerate implementation of global biodiversity targets, and enhance the linkage of the biodiversity agenda with other global agendas including the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate...

America’s First Offshore Wind Farm Goes Online

With the flip of a switch Monday, the country's first offshore wind power project began commercial operations. That's something to celebrate—and it's only the beginning for this abundant energy resource! Developed by U.S.-based...

Big Business Calls on Government to Halt Solar Tax Hike

A group of major businesses, including retail giants Sainsbury's, IKEA and Kingfisher, have called on Chancellor Philip Hammond to stop a planned rise in business rates for firms with solar installations. The businesses...

UN development chief meets communities grappling with scarce and vulnerable water resources in Burkina Faso

Wrapping up a three-day visit to the country, UNDP Administrator Helen Clark met today with a rural community in Burkina Faso which is bearing the brunt of the effects of environmental degradation...

Climate change is changing nature so much it may need ‘human-assisted evolution’, scientists say

Life on Earth has already been fundamentally altered by global warming, affecting the genes of plants and animals and altering every ecosystem on the planet, according to a major review of the...

Indian Farmers Fight Against Climate Change Using Trees As A Weapon

In 19 years, Ramu Gaviti’s six acres of land have gone from barren, dry and sparsely vegetated to fertile, moist and thick with biomass. Peacocks, wild pigs and rabbits have reappeared and...

Reykjavík: the Geothermal City that aims to Go Carbon Neutral

Icelandic capital plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2040 by reversing urban sprawl and promoting walking, cycling and public transport. Reykjavík used to be marketed as a place of...

To Avoid the Worst Climate Impacts, Obama Tells Leo DiCaprio, ‘We’re Really in a Race Against Time’

Capping a day-long futurist fair and alternative music fest on the South Lawn of the White House on Monday, President Obama told actor Leonardo DiCaprio and atmospheric scientist Katharine Hayhoe “we’re really...

Leonardo DiCaprio Given Rival Invitations to Visit Great Barrier Reef

Scientists and tour operators on the Great Barrier Reef have extended a “non-political” offer to show Leonardo DiCaprio the impacts of coral bleaching, after the Queensland government responded to the actor’s comments...

UNESCO seeks to protect natural wonders in the high seas

UNESCO is proposing adding sites in the high seas to the World Heritage List. These natural wonders are in international waters. Heritage status could help protect them against pollution and overfishing. Many people...



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