Search results for:agricultural

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29% of Water Deemed Unsuitable for Human Consumption in China’s Top Coal Province

We know that Trump digs coal, but of all the fossil fuels, coal is Earth's biggest polluter. The environmental impact of the coal industry is vast and devastating. And now, production of...

Indian Government Declares Delhi Air Pollution an Emergency

The Indian government has declared severe levels of toxic air pollution in Delhian “emergency situation” as administrators announce a plan to temporarily shut construction sites and a coal-fired power station to bring...

$75m Loan for Country’s Largest Wind Farm in Pakistan

The Asian Development Bank announced on Monday its approval of a $75 million loan to support the development of the largest wind farm in Pakistan. The deal with Triconboston Consulting Corporation (TBCC) is...

Indian Farmers Fight Against Climate Change Using Trees As A Weapon

In 19 years, Ramu Gaviti’s six acres of land have gone from barren, dry and sparsely vegetated to fertile, moist and thick with biomass. Peacocks, wild pigs and rabbits have reappeared and...

Cameroon: $100 Million to Boost Livestock Sector for Improved Productivity and Climate Change Resilience

The World Bank Board of Executive Director approved today $100 million to help Cameroon improve the productivity and competitiveness of targeted livestock production systems in the country over the next six years. The...

Coffee Producers in Costa Rica Use Science to Tackle Climate Change

The report “A Brewing Storm”, released on Aug. 29 by the Climate Institute of Australia, warned that the main coffee producing countries will face difficulties such as the proliferation of plant diseases...

Strengthen the Capacities for the Use of Bioenergy in Serbia

Delegation of German Economy in Serbia organized a conference entitled ‘Biomass and Biogas in Serbia’ at the beginning of April in Belgrade. A number of interested companies from Germany held a presentation...

Cheers to This: Beer That’s Good for the Climate

A new beer from Patagonia Provisions and Hopworks Urban Brewery is made with Kernza, a perennial grain designed to save water, protect soil, and absorb carbon. Long Root Ale, a pale ale hitting...

Coca-Cola HBC Targets 40% Packaging Recovery, 40% Clean Energy by 2020

Coca-Cola HBC has committed to using 40 percent clean energy and recovering for recycling an average of 40 percent of its packaging introduced to markets by 2020. The company didn’t provide additional...

UNIDO hands out cleaner production certificates in Bosnia and Herzegovina

JAHORINA, Bosnia and Herzegovina, September 2016 – Twenty national experts and 10 company representatives working in different sectors in Bosnia and Herzegovina last week received certificates of cleaner production from the United...

The key challenge for Serbia is to move toward low carbon economy

The author of the text: Miroslav Tadić, UNDP Based on the state of environmental infrastructure  in  the  Republic  of  Serbia  and  the  extrapolation  of  the situation in the countries that have recently become...

Hidden pollution exchange between oceans and groundwater revealed

Researchers have uncovered previously hidden sources of ocean pollution along more than 20 percent of America's coastlines. The study, published online Aug. 4 in the journal Science, offers the first-ever map of underground...

Climate Change: Cities are Key to Cutting Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The heat that saw forest fires sweep through Uttarakhand and damage the already fragile ecosystem of the Himalayas… the heat spikes that caused deaths in Rajasthan and Bihar… the drought that put...

Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation Makes Historic Grant Announcement

LDF announces its largest-ever portfolio of environmental grants, increasing the organization’s total direct financial giving to over $59 million since 1998. Additionally, after a period of increased grantmaking and a goal of...

Solar Power Boosts Food Production & Fights Poverty

We all know that solar power offers myriad health and environmental benefits over traditional energy sources — including reduced emissions and improved air quality — but the social benefits it offers are...

Which Are the World’s Most Environmentally Friendly Countries?

Nordic nations often appear at the top of rankings for the world’s greenest places, so the countries dominating Yale's Environmental Performance Index (EPI) will come as no surprise – with the exception...



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