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Postcard from 2050: Cities and Climate change in a Dystopian Future

When the climate crisis requires immediate action, cities become key players in the transition towards better ecological scenarios. Are mayors and governments ready to bet on ways forward that put the health of people...

Plant Pandemics are Affecting up to 30 percent of Major Food Crops – and They’re Getting Worse

Plant disease surveillance, improved detection systems, and global predictive disease modeling are necessary to mitigate future disease outbreaks and protect the global food supply, according to a team of researchers. Plant diseases don’t...

Got Climate Change? Kelp Can Help

Kelp, which most of us refer to as seaweed, may be an important tool in the quest to limit the effects of a warming planet. Much of the carbon dioxide emitted into...

Digital Hub Designed to Protect Coral Reefs Shortlisted for Global Award

A new digital platform to help dive professionals protect fragile coral reefs has been shortlisted as a finalist in the 2020 Con X Tech Prize, an award that provides seed funding to...

The African Country That Inspired More and More Countries to Plant Billions of Trees

In the past 50 years, Ethiopia has lost 98% of its forested areas. To mediate this, it planted an estimated 350 million trees in just a single day in 2019. Their...

The Wonder Trees That Nurture Marine Biodiversity

This 2020 theme for the International Day of Forests on 21 March is Forests and Biodiversity. It's an often-quoted fact that forests are home to 80 per cent of terrestrial biodiversity, but...

Signs and Impacts of Climate Change in Atmosphere, Land and Oceans Are Rising

The tell-tale physical signs of climate change such as increasing land and ocean heat, accelerating sea level rise and melting ice are highlighted in a new report compiled by the World Meteorological...

Let Nature Heal Climate and Biodiversity Crises, Say Campaigners

The restoration of natural forests and coasts can simultaneously tackle climate change and the annihilation of wildlife but is being worryingly overlooked, an international group of campaigners have said.Animal populations have fallen...

10 Worst-Case Climate Predictions if We Don’t Keep Global Temperatures Under 1.5 Degrees Celsius

The summer of 2018 was intense: deadly wildfires, persistent drought, killer floods and record-breaking heat. Although scientists exercise great care before linking individual weather events to climate change, the rise in global...

Tropics Could Face Six Climate Disasters at Once by 2100

In a year that saw record-breaking heat waves, record-breaking hurricanes and record-breaking wildfires, it's hard to imagine how the future could look any more like a disaster movie than the present. But that is exactly what...

Climate Change Is Making Hurricanes Even More Destructive, Research Finds

Hurricane rainfall could increase by a third and wind speeds boosted by up to 25 knots if global warming continues. Climate change worsened the most destructive hurricanes of recent years, including Katrina, Irma and...

Warming Oceans Are Changing the World’s Rainfall

Global warming means truly global warming. The atmosphere, the oceans, and the ground are all warming. As a result, ice is melting, seas are rising, storms are getting more severe, and droughts...

Indonesia’s Deforestation Dropped 60 Percent in 2017

In the midst of the second-worst year for tropical tree cover loss in 2017, Indonesia saw an encouraging sign: a 60 percent drop in tree cover loss in primary forests compared with...

Sea Ice Falls to Record Lows in Both the Arctic and Antarctic

The Arctic and Antarctic have experienced record lows in sea ice extent so far in 2017, according to the latest data from the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). At about...

Coffee Producers in Costa Rica Use Science to Tackle Climate Change

The report “A Brewing Storm”, released on Aug. 29 by the Climate Institute of Australia, warned that the main coffee producing countries will face difficulties such as the proliferation of plant diseases...

Fresh Climate Data Confirms 2015 Is Unlike Any Other Year in Human History

Over the past few days, a bevy of climate data has come together to tell a familiar yet shocking story: Humans have profoundly altered the planet’s life-support system, with 2015. increasingly likely...



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