Search results for:thermal power plants

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Farmers Interested in Biogas Plants

Unlike fossil fuels, biogas is a permanently renewable fuel, since it is produced from biomass. The use of biogas helps to improve the country’s energy balance and contributes to the conservation of...

From Agricultural Waste to Electrical and Thermal Energy

By increasing the energy production from renewable sources, Serbia is one step closer to international environmental standards. One of the ways of obtaining energy from renewable sources is the use of biogas...

Croatian Firm Lent €130m for Efficient Heat and Power Units

A Croatian energy company has been granted loans totalling €130 million (£116m) for new electricity and heat co-generation units.HEP will replace outdated oil and gas-fired turbines and boilers with modern, efficient and...

More Than 100 Cities Now Mostly Powered by Renewable Energy, Data Shows

The number of cities reporting they are predominantly powered by clean energy has more than doubled since 2015, as momentum builds for cities around the world to switch from fossil fuels to...

The Forgotten Renewable: Geothermal Energy Production Heats Up

Three and a half hours east of Los Angeles lies the Salton Sea, a manmade oasis in the heart of the Mojave Desert. It was created in 1905, when a canal broke...

Indian State Plans Massive Solar Project At Retired Coal Power Plant

More Indian states are switching to solar power from thermal power due to the cost benefits available with the former. Now, the northern state of Punjab is considering setting up a huge solar...

Indian Insurers Launch Products For Solar Power Sector

With the rapid boom in the solar power market in India, increasing competition, and collapsing tariff bids, Indian insurance companies have launched products to protect lenders as well as developers. HDFC ERGO General...

World’s First ‘Negative Emissions’ Power Plant Opens in Iceland

In October, the nation flipped the switch on the world’s first power plant that eliminates more CO2 than it produces. The pilot program, which is operated by Climeworks, can remove an estimated 50...

Indian State Earns Nearly $1 Million Selling Excess Wind Power In 14 Days

The record wind energy generation that India witnessed brought in record revenue (and profit!) for the state of Tamil Nadu, the leading producer of wind power in the country. According to officials, the...

200 Megawatts To Be Re-Tendered At India’s Largest Solar Power Park

India’s largest solar power park, in Karnataka, will witness a re-tendering of 200 megawatts of capacity shortly. The tender was first issued in July 2017 but was withdrawn the following month. The tender...

India To Auction 4.5 Gigawatts Of Wind Power Projects By February 2018

Sticking to its announced road map to expedite wind energy auctions, India will put 4.5 gigawatts of capacity on the block by February 2018. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has announced...

Geothermal energy: Why hasn’t it caught on yet?

Despite being one of the lowest-cost and most reliable renewable energy sources, harnessing heat from the Earth almost doesn't happen outside Iceland. But leaders meeting in Italy this week are trying to...

India Exempts Solar Power Parks From Environmental Assessment Rules

In an attempt to expedite the implementation of large-scale solar power parks across the country, India has issued a clarification exempting these projects from obtaining environmental clearances. The Ministry of New & Renewable...

Renewable Energy To Exceed Thermal Power Capacity In India By 2027, Says Government Study

The rapid growth in renewable energy sector in India will easily overtake that in the thermal power sector and would result in more renewable energy capacity being operational than thermal power capacity...

World’s Largest Solar Thermal Power Plant Approved for Australia

The South Australian state government has approved the construction of a 150-megawatt solar thermal power plant. The AU $650 million (US $510 million) structure will be built in Port Augusta and is slated...

IRAN: The Largest Solar Power Plant Opened

The newly opened Mokran Solar Power Plants Complex is the latest proof of Iran’s ambitions in renewable energy. The country’s biggest solar plant was constructed in the eastern province of Kerman in six...



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