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New Study Suggests We Are Headed For Warmest Climate In Half A Billion Years

Carbon dioxide concentrations are heading towards values not seen in the past 200m years. The sun has also been gradually getting stronger over time. Put together, these facts mean the climate may...

Changing Weather Patterns Are Trapping Pollution over Chinese Cities

While China has become a world leader in the fight against global warming, its severe winter air pollution has worsened, likely as a result of changing atmospheric circulation caused by climate change,...

‘Airpocalypse’ Smog Events in China Linked to Melting Ice Cap, Research Reveals

Climate change played a major role in the extreme air pollution events suffered recently by China and is likely to make such "airpocalypses" more common, new research has revealed. The fast-melting ice in...

WMO Confirms 2016 as Hottest Year on Record, about 1.1°C above Pre-Industrial Era

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) yesterday announced that the year 2016 has been the hottest year on record, surpassing the exceptionally high temperatures of 2015, according to a consolidated analysis. The globally averaged...

What the Ancient Carbon Dioxide Record May Mean for Future Climate Change

The last time Earth experienced both ice sheets and carbon dioxide levels within the range predicted for this century was a period of major sea level rise, melting ice sheets and upheaval...

Arctic Could Become Ice-Free

Professor Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University predicts we could see ‘an area of less than one million square kilometres for September of this year’. The Arctic is on track to be free of...

Analyses Reveal Record-shattering Global Warm Temperatures in 2015

2015 was Planet Earth's warmest year since modern record-keeping began in 1880, according to a new analysis by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Earth’s 2015 surface temperatures were the warmest since modern record...

Fresh Climate Data Confirms 2015 Is Unlike Any Other Year in Human History

Over the past few days, a bevy of climate data has come together to tell a familiar yet shocking story: Humans have profoundly altered the planet’s life-support system, with 2015. increasingly likely...

Global Ocean Observing System Report Card Released

A new Ocean Observing System Report Card - a high-level annual report providing a deep insight on the state, capacity and value of our Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) – has just...

We Lose One Species on Earth almost Every Hour

Last Saturday in center of Zagreb, the attention of passers-by is captured by a clock whose alarm rings to wake up the whole human race. Every hour counts down and warns of the fact...

Another Wake-Up Call: Sea Ice Loss is Speeding Up

Last week, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) confirmed the highest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic, 38C, on 20 June 2020. This warming is causing previously permanently frozen permafrost below ground to thaw. The Arctic...

WMO Verifies one Temperature Record for Antarctic Continent and Rejects Another

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has recognized a new record high temperature for the Antarctic continent of 18.3° Celsius on 6 February 2020 at the Esperanza station (Argentina). However, it rejected an...

WMO Verifies -69.6°C Greenland Temperature as Northern Hemisphere Record

The World Meteorological Organization has recognized a temperature of -69.6°C (-93.3°F) at an automatic weather station in Greenland on 22 December 1991 as the lowest ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere. The temperature...

Arctic Ozone Depletion Reached Record Level

Depletion of the ozone layer, ­the shield that protects life on Earth from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation, reached an unprecedented level over large parts of the Arctic this spring. This phenomenon was...

Arctic Ozone Depletion Tracks at Record Levels

Depletion of the ozone layer, ­ the shield that protects life on Earth from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation, ­is at an unprecedented  level over large parts of the Arctic this spring....

Antarctic Ozone Hole Is Smallest on Record

In 2019, the hole that developed in the ozone layer over Antarctica was the smallest on record since the ozone hole was first discovered, according to scientists at NASA and the US...



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