Search results for:mt komex

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United Hands Make the Planet Greener

The strength and will that a person carries inside of them is most strongly manifested in the difficult moments that life brings. The first days of the coronavirus pandemic prompted us to...

Sustainable Development Must Be More Than Just an Empty Phrase

Sustainable development is a phrase used today by all companies in their reports and an excellent backdrop for PR stories. However, sustainability is often used only as an empty phrase, and companies...

Plant a Flower, Embellish the World

The Eco Explosion project is an inspiring story about a student company that was formed at the Mija Stanimirović Electrical Engineering School in Niš, where the idea of ecological transformation of the...

Number 36 – June 2024

Another school year has drawn to a close, and the season of vacations and enjoying the summer has begun. We’ve been busy, too. In line with the season, we’ve prepared a new...

Čelinac gets two Solar Power Plants

The municipality of Čelinac is located not far from Banja Luka. One part of the territory extends at an altitude of 800 meters; in the largest part of the municipality, the altitude...

Green Kilowatts for the Supply of 10,000 Households

The companies B2 Nova Sun, B2 Sunspot, and Elektroprivreda Srbije, a joint stock company, signed electricity purchase and balance responsibility contracts for two solar power plants. B2 Nova Sun – Nova Crnja...

STOP SHOP in Zaječar to Have a New Solar Power Plant

The CPI Property Group announced that the implementation of the new solar power plant project in Zaječar is underway. Many years of experience and numerous successful projects implemented by MT-KOMEX's team of...

Number 35-April 2024

Another issue of the Energy Portal Magazine is in front of you. This time, the theme is Nature Conservation with indispensable environmental protection, one of today’s most critical challenges. From the second...

New Agrisolar Digital Map Presents over 200 Projects across Europe

SolarPower Europe has launched a new digital map highlighting more than 200 agrisolar projects across Europe that exceed a combined capacity of 2.8 GW, including both pilot and commercial projects. Agrisolar, referring to...

Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Development of Croatian Cities

Green spaces in urban areas significantly raise the quality of life in a society undergoing intense urbanization. Constant improvement of green infrastructure contributes to sustainable development and, at the same time, has...

Kikinda Gets a Solar Power Plant

The northern part of our country will get yet another solar power plant. The MT-KOMEX Company continues to build a sustainable future and produce green kilowatts. Its team of engineers, who have...

Luxen Solar – Caring For Each Customer

From its very formation, the Luxen Solar Company has clearly defined its operational principles and set up the production of a quality and reliable product that enables a faster return on investment,...

Green Bonds for Financing the Development of Environmental Projects

Green bonds are a relatively young financial instrument dating back just over 15 years. In 2007, the European Investment Bank (EIB) issued these securities for the first time. Green bonds are debt...

Cooperation Between Sciece and Business for a Sustainable Future

Eight years have passed since the signing of the Paris Agreement, which set the goal of holding the global average temperature increase below 2°C compared to the pre-industrial levels, with the indication...

Solving Problems With Higher Harmonics

The substantial energy efficiency and performance gains of using variable speed drives (VSD s) to control the vast number of electric motors, pumps and fans used in the water industry are well...

BIG Solar Uses an Environmentally Friendly Method to Clean and Maintain Solar Panels

Solar energy is an excellent source of clean and renewable energy. Whether summer or winter, solar power plants require dedicated maintenance and regular cleaning to function properly and last as long as...



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