Search results for:montenegro

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Keeping Montenegro’s Flavours Alive

Danka Sekularac from northern Montenegro lives a life off the grid. Her house runs on solar power. The water is fetched from a nearby stream. Her food is homegrown.Her surroundings - the...

Green Montenegro

Within the framework of negotiations with the European Union, Montenegro has recently opened Chapter 27 covering the protection of the environment. The Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism of this neighbouring country,...

Montenegro’s Pristine Lake Skadar Threatened by New Resort

Tourism in Montenegro is booming, but the approval of plans for a new ‘eco-resort’ has led to protests from conservationists who fear it will threaten a stunning national park. Like it’s Adriatic neighbour...

Development of the Energy Sector in Montenegro

In 2014 a comprehensive plan for the development of the energy sector with the emblematic title “Energy Development Strategy by 2030‘ was passed by the Montenegrin Government. The policy document considers all...

Malta investing in Montenegro Energy Sector

Investment in the wind farm at Možura hill is a first step of possible cooperation between Montenegro and Malta in energy sector, prime minister Milo Đukanović said, adding he is sure that...

Regional Conference “Hum (Balkan) Investment Energy Summit”

The regional conference “Hum (Balkan) Investment Energy Summit” - “Conference on Renewable Energy Sources (RES), Energy Efficiency, and Environmental Protection” will be held tomorrow at the location of the “Bosnian Pyramids –...

Energy Week Western Balkans 2024 – Driving the Region’s Clean Energy Transition

The Western Balkans is gearing up for one of the most influential energy sector gatherings of the year - Energy Week Western Balkans 2024. Set to take place on October 9-10 at...

New Technology Enables Charging Wearable Devices During Running

Researchers at the Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) of the University of Surrey have developed innovative nanogenerators that harness energy from everyday activities, such as running, to power wearable devices. In their study, published...

Active Fires in Serbia – No Threat to the Population

In the last 24 hours, the members of the Emergency Situations Sector have been engaged in 108 open-space fires across the territory of the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian Ministry of Internal...

Encouraging Competitiveness in Buying and Selling Electricity

As an energy entity responsible for organizing and managing the electricity market in Montenegro, the Montenegrin Electricity Market Operator (COTEE) continuously works to improve this segment while following trends and changes in...

Solar Energy in Serbia and the Countries of the Region

Solar energy has recorded significant development in recent years, with a 40 per cent growth rate in the European Union alone. Globally speaking, countries that participated in last year’s United Nations Conference...

EBRD and EU to Mobilise Up to 100 Million Euros for Critical Raw Materials Investments

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU) have launched a joint facility to provide equity investments for the exploration of critical and strategic raw materials, aiming...

Energy Week Western Balkans 2024: A Premier Opportunity for International Energy Stakeholders

Energy Week Western Balkans 2024 will take place on October 9-10 in Montenegro. This prestigious event is set to be the most influential gathering for the renewable energy sector in the Western...

EBRD Lends up to EUR 30 Million to Željeznički Prevoz Crne Gore a.d.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a senior loan of up to EUR 30 million to Željeznički Prevoz Crne Gore a.d. (ZPCG), the passenger train operator in Montenegro. The...

Serbia has Used up All its Natural Resources for This Year

As of  May 23rd, Serbia had used up its natural resources reserves for this year, which means that from today on, we are “living on borrowed resources.” This is the assessment of the...

134 million USD initiative aims to eliminate mercury-containing medical devices

The Governments of Albania, Burkina Faso, India, Montenegro and Uganda have united to combat chemical pollution, launching a 134-million dollars project to eliminate the use of mercury in medical devices. Used in health-care...



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