Search results for:heat wave

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A Beer Crisis Is Brewing in Germany as Bottle Recycling Slows Amid Heatwaves

With summer still in full swing and heatwaves gripping countries around the world, breweries across Germany have been scrambling to keep up with the beer demand from hot and thirsty customers. The...

Rooftop Solar Lowers Peak Electricity Demand In Australian Heatwave

Households and businesses played a key role in reducing peak demand and capping wholesale electricity costs in South Australia last month, with data showing that rooftop solar played a major role in...

Extreme Heatwaves With “Apparent Temperatures” As High As 55° Celsius To Regularly Affect Much Of World (With 4° Celsius Of Warming Over Pre-Industrial Levels)

If global temperatures rise 4° Celsius over pre-industrial levels, then extreme heatwaves with “apparent temperatures” peaking at over 55° Celsius will begin to regularly affect many densely populated parts of the world,...

Extreme Heat in Southern Cities as a Consequence of Lack of Green Spaces

Summer is drawing to a close according to the calendar, but not in terms of the heat, which continues in much of the world. High temperatures have most severely affected large cities...

Record Heat Sends Sea Ice Into Retreat, Worrying Scientists

The recent collapse of a 1,100km2 ice shelf in Antarctica came at a time of record high temperatures and is a symptom of a planet in a climate crisis, experts say.   The...

Mediterranean Gripped by Extreme Heat, With New Reported Temperature Record

The World Meteorological Organization is seeking to verify a reported temperature of 48.8°C (119.8°F) in Sicily, Italy, on 11 August 2021 and to establish whether this is a new temperature record for...

2020 Climate Events Were Examples Of How Excess Heat Is Expressed On Earth

By most accounts, 2020 has been a rough year for the planet. It was the warmest year on record, just barely exceeding the record set in 2016 by less than a tenth...

Urgent Action Needed for the Energy Transition in Heating and Cooling

The transition to cleaner, more sustainable heating and cooling solutions can attract investment, create millions of new jobs and help to drive a durable economic recovery in the wake of the global...

Climate Change and Weather Extremes: Both Heat and Cold Can Kill

Climate change is increasing the frequency and strength of some types of extreme weather in the U.S., particularly heat waves. Last summer the U.S. Southwest experienced life-threatening heat waves, which are especially...

Extreme Summer Heat Becoming More & More Prevalent Across US, Study Finds

The number of days in which extreme heat occurs during the summer have been rising across the US — particularly in the Western states and on the Eastern seaboard — over recent...

Flights Cancelled In Phoenix Because Of Extreme Heat (+118° Fahrenheit)

The intense heat wave that’s been gripping much of the western US in recent days has actually forced the cancellation of a number of flights out of Phoenix, Arizona — owing to...

Global Heat Melts Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice to Record Lows – UN agency

17 February 2017 – It should be winter on the Arctic pole – the northern most point in the world – but the equivalent of heatwaves have passed over the region this...

July Sets New Temperature Records

Extreme heat hit hundreds of millions of people throughout July, with a domino effect felt right across society. July was one of the hottest - if not the hottest - month on...

The Upward Trajectory That Should Concern Us

“And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the grain, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the ground...

The world’s Corals are Bleaching – Here’s Why

Two prominent research organizations confirmed a few weeks ago what scientists had long thought: the world’s warm water coral reefs are bleaching en masse for the fourth time in 25 years. Corals are...

Innovative Technology is the Key to Creating a Sustainable Future

The Siemens company published a global report on sustainable development for the fiscal year 2023, which pointed out that the development of technology is one of the key answers to the challenges...



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