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The popular saying that the world belongs to the young is often heard, but it seems that we do not understand its meaning as we should. We should correct our wrong decisions...


Energetik energija, the leading distributor of solar components, recently held a very successful meeting dedicated to business and cooperation in Belgrade. The meeting provided valuable insights and fostered new partnerships with current...


Apart from the conventional challenge of making cities a better place to live, urban development today must also respond to the challenges created by climate change by adapting the physical space to...

Who’s Afraid of Energy Crisis

The prices of fossil fuels are not standing still yet on the world market, so the kilowatts obtained from them are very expensive. It is clear that for a stable future, we...

Let’s Listen To What The Wind Tells Us

The language of the wind is simple. However, although every whistle tells us “healthy environment”, “unlimited green kilowatts”, and “energy stability”, investments in dirty technologies and fossil fuels are still going on. The...

9 Key Steps to Owning Your Own Solar Power Plant

Here you will find some useful tips to help you make the right decision if you are considering installing solar panels on the roof of your building. Below you will find a list of...

It’s High Time for Your Solar Power Plant 

The new Law on Renewable Energy Sources will enable the citizens of Serbia to produce and sell green kilowatts. The novelties brought by this law are auctions for the allocation of premiums...

By the End of 2022, Serbia Will Have Three Times More Electricity From Solar Sources

This year, Serbia will have three times more electricity produced from solar panels, thanks to the simplified procedures and subsidies of this ministry, stated the State Secretary of the Ministry of Mining...

Running Like Clockwork

Solar panels on the roofs in Serbia are not a common picture. One, the first step into the world of photovoltaics is not going to cut it. However, this modest share of...

Blanketing the United States in Solar Panels and Pollinator-Friendly Plants

It started as a trickle and now the floodgates are open. Solar arrays that once sat on barren ground are now festooned with plants that attract bees, birds, and butterflies. Even the...

Shift Towards Clean Energy in Southeastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities

Various means such as petroleum products, biomass, sun, wind, water, nuclear fission, lead us to the production of electricity as the ultimate goal. Each of the methods of obtaining energy has its...

Electric Car Batteries Will Come Cheaper and Charge Faster

Electric vehicles continue to be rather pricey for which their batteries are largely to blame. Encouragingly, though, in a win-win-win for electric car owners and prospective owners, developers are working on batteries that...

Open Ocean Wind Farms Could Power the World

Two Californian scientists have worked out how to achieve a wind-powered world that provides the entire planet with wind energy without spoiling the view with turbines on every hilltop. The answer: take wind...

Madison West High School Students Seeking to Install 100 Solar Panels Atop School

A student group at West High School has set an ambitious goal of raising $50,000 to install 100 solar panels on the roof of the school. If the West Green Club can meet...

2017 Volkswagen e-Golf Preview

The 2017 Volkswagen e-Golf electric car gets a number of notable updates this year, including considerably increased range and a more powerful electric motor. Unveiled at the 2016 Los Angeles Auto Show,...

China’s Grid-Connected Wind Power Capacity Increases

China's grid-connected wind power capacity continued to pick up, but the utilization rate was waning after years of capacity expansion, the latest data from the National Energy Administration (NEA) showed. China's total installed...



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