Search results for:crop

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First-Of-Its-Kind Farm Uses Seawater and Solar Power to Grow Crops

Much of the current innovation in farming focuses on how to integrate technology into the food we produce by genetically engineering crops and livestock for improved production, increased resilience to disease, or...

Microplastics Found in Fertilisers Being Applied to Gardens and Farmland

Many organic fertilisers being applied to gardens and farms contain tiny fragments of plastic, according to a new study. Widely considered a problem affecting the oceans, this work suggests microplastics may actually be...

Crop Fires Can Push Delhi Air Pollution 20 Times Beyond Safe Levels, Study Finds

As of 2016, New Delhi was the 11th most polluted city in the world, which was a positive development compared to 2014, when it had the dubious honor of being number one,...

Microplastic Pollution in Oceans is Far Worse than Feared, Say Scientists

The number of tiny plastic pieces polluting the world's oceans is vastly greater than thought, new research indicates. The work reveals the highest microplastic pollution yet discovered anywhere in the world in a...

Microplastics Pollute Most Remote and Uncharted Areas of the Ocean

Microplastics have been found in some of the most remote and uncharted regions of the oceans raising more concerns over the global scale of plastic pollution. Samples taken from the middle of the...

Scientists: Strategic Crop Growth Based on Climate Change Could Feed 825 Million More

Scientists in the U.S. and Italy have worked out a strategy to feed an extra 825 million people—by rearranging where crops are grown. Their new menu for the global table could serve...

Solar Plants Are Cropping Up On Farms

If the United States wants to kick its coal habit, it will need to install a lot more solar power. That raises an important question: Where should all those panels reside? They could...

Climate Change to Reduce Global Yields of Staple Crops 23% by 2050s

Global production of the 4 most important staple crops in the world — maize/corn, wheat, rice, and soybeans — will be reduced by around 23% by the 2050s as a result of...

Innovative “Living Plastic” Decomposes in Just One Week

The fight against plastic pollution is crucial for the protection of natural resources and mitigating the climate crisis. Developing environmentally friendly solutions and reducing the use of plastic in everyday life are...

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

Air pollution is the biggest environmental health risk of our time. It also exacerbates climate change, causes economic losses, and reduces agricultural productivity. It knows no borders – everyone has a responsibility to...

Innovative Application of Information Technologies in Agriculture

BioSens Institute, Institute for Research and Development of Information Technologies in Biosystems, is a pioneer in the digital transformation of agriculture in Serbia. Investigating the scientific and technological boundaries of the innovative...

How an Innovative Liquid Removes 98 Percent of Nanoplastics from Water

After a piece of plastic enters a water system, such as a sea, ocean, river, or lake, it undergoes degradation due to the influence of sunlight, wind, and water. A large piece breaks...

Organela – The Harmony Of Clean Energy and Organic Agriculture

Clean energy development is a key moment in efforts to establish energy security and preserve our planet. Due to increasingly affordable construction costs, solar power plants have become the most prevalent renewable...

From Banana Waste to Clean Energy

Every year, millions of tons of agricultural waste are produced in Pakistan due to the cultivation of bananas and other crops. To utilize this waste and benefit the local population, scientists have...

From Grass to Electricity with the Help of Digesters

Over the years, growing dominant crops on land can lead to various environmental consequences, such as loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, farmers are advised to revert parts...

Green Projects of Serbian Scientists – Biopesticides for Protection of Trees From Deadly Pests

The spongy moth is one of the most dangerous forest pests in Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa. This invasive pest can weaken and destroy trees by defoliating, i.e. destroying the leaves....



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