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Slow Arctic Freeze Raises Risk of Polar Bear Extinction, Say Scientists

Record absence of ice after freak warm spells denies pregnant bears birthing dens and triggers ‘extirpation event’ warning.A record slow freeze of many regions of the Arctic this winter is making it harder for...

Taller Plants Moving into Warmer Arctic

The low-lying shrubs, grasses and other plants growing in the Arctic are getting taller. The finding comes from scientists who have analysed three decades of measurements. This data, gathered across Alaska, Canada, Iceland,...

Japan Killed 50 Whales in Antarctic Protected Area, Data Shows

Japanese whalers have killed more than 50 minke whales in an Antarctic marine protection area this year, WWF has revealed. The disclosure comes on the opening day of the International Whaling Commission’s annual...

Summer Weather Is Getting ‘Stuck’ Due to Arctic Warming

Summer weather patterns are increasingly likely to stall in Europe, North America and parts of Asia, according to a new climate study that explains why Arctic warming is making heatwaves elsewhere more...

Migratory Barnacle Geese Threatened by Rapidly Rising Arctic Temperatures

Migrating barnacle geese that lay their eggs in the Arctic zones of northern Russia are becoming confounded by earlier springs in their traditional nesting grounds, according to a study published in Current...

The Arctic Is Burning: Wildfires Rage from Sweden to Alaska

There are currently 11 wildfires blazing in the Arctic circle, The Guardian reported Wednesday. While fires are also raging in Russia, Norway and Finland, Sweden has seen the most extensive Arctic fires, which...

‘Atlantification’ of Arctic Ocean Speeds Up

The Arctic Ocean is warming so rapidly that it may soon transform into an upper arm of the Atlantic Ocean, researchers say. A study published this week in Nature Climate Change shows how...

Antarctic Ice Melting Faster than ever, Studies Show

Ice in the Antarctic is melting at a record-breaking rate and the subsequent sea rises could have catastrophic consequences for cities around the world, according to two new studies.A report led by...

Greenpeace Finds Microplastics and Hazardous Chemicals in Remote Antarctic Waters

Another day, another sign of the reach of the global ocean plastics crisis. A Greenpeace expedition to Antarctica turned up microplastics in more than half of ocean water samples taken in the...

£20m Study to Investigate Collapse Risk of Major Antarctic Glacier

British and US scientists are to collaborate on a £20m project to examine the Thwaites glacier in west Antarctica, a major glacier that drains an area about the size of the UK. The...

Antarctica Lost a London-Sized Area of Underwater Ice in Only 6 Years

Antarctica's ice sheet is retreating due to warm ocean water circulating beneath its floating edge, researchers from the UK Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling at the University of Leeds have found. The...

Arctic Sea Ice Hits Second-Lowest Winter Peak on Record

Arctic sea ice has experienced its maximum extent for the year, reaching 14.48 million square kilometers (approximately 5.59 million square miles) on March 17—the second smallest in the 39-year satellite record. The provisional...

Arctic Has Warmest Winter On Record

The Arctic winter comes and goes — but ever so differently as warming trends prevail. Increasing temperatures and glacial caving continue as Mother Nature gets hotter — at the top of our...

Oddly Enough, More Snow in Antarctica Could Slow Rising Sea Levels

Climate change affects our world in inscrutable ways, and scientists struggle to capture its interconnected impacts. Antarctica is a good example: global temperatures are known to increase the amount of vapor in...

Campaign to Create World’s Largest Sanctuary in Antarctic Ocean Gains Momentum

Greenpeace's ship Arctic Sunrise is on its way to Antarctica, where the crew on board will be the first humans ever to visit the seafloor in the Weddell Sea. The three-month expedition will...

Arctic Experienced 2nd Warmest Year & Lowest Winter Sea Ice Extent On Record In 2017

The Arctic region experienced its second-warmest year (by air temperature) and its lowest winter sea ice extent on record in 2017, according to the 12th edition of NOAA’s Arctic Report Card. The peer-reviewed...



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