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European Union Continues to Phase-Down Its Use of Climate-Warming Fluorinated Gases

The EEA report ‘Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2019’ assesses the data reported in 2019 by European companies on the production, import, export, destruction and feedstock use of F-gases until 2018. It looks at...

A Road to Greener Development – China’s Story of Eliminating Freon

Ozone-depleting substances, or ODS, have posed a serious threat to the Earth's fragile ozone layer. To mitigate the hazardous influence, in 1989, a universal agreement known as the Montreal Protocol on Substances...

Helping a Warming World to Keep Cool

Heatwaves this summer that have left many Europeans sweltering highlight the growing demand for air conditioning in a warming world. Access to cooling services is becoming a major issue, especially in developing...

Pellet Breaks New Paths!

The limitation and harmfulness of fossil fuels in energy production lead humanity towards finding and exploiting alternatives to these dirty energy sources at higher level. Windmills are springing up across our planet,...

Stanford Engineers: Here’s How 139 Countries Can Avoid Blackouts With 100% Clean Energy

Renewable energy solutions are often hindered by the inconsistencies of power produced by wind, water and sunlight and the continuously fluctuating demand for energy. New research by Mark Z. Jacobson, a professor...

Rooftop Solar Provides 48% of South Australia Power, Pushing Grid Demand to Record Low

South Australia’s level of minimum demand hit a new record low this weekend – barely a week after the previous benchmark was set – with a fall to just 587 MW last...

Climate Change To Dramatically Shift European Electricity Consumption

A team of scientists from Germany and the United States has determined that rising temperatures due to climate change will have a dramatic impact on Europe’s electricity consumption patterns, culminating in putting...

How Much Bang do We Get for Every Energy Efficiency Buck?

Most countries’ plans for reducing greenhouse gases rely heavily on energy efficiency programs. So, even if you aren’t an energy efficiency specialist, it’s important to understand how, and how well, those savings...

Climate Scientists Say Likelihood of Extreme Summers Surging Due to Global Warming

New South Wales, which has just experienced its hottest summer on record, is 50 times more likely to experience another similarly hot summer and 10 times more likely to experience extremely hot...

Tesla, SolarCity Power Entire Island With Solar + Batteries

Ta'u, an island in American Samoa, has turned its nose at fossil fuels and is now almost 100 percent powered with solar panels and batteries thanks to technology from the newly combined...

Here Is Why Google Is Buying a Crazy Amount of Clean Energy

Google just closed on a deal to buy a significant amount of clean energy from two new wind farms that will be built in Norway and Sweden to help power its data...



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