Search results for:European Union

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European Transport Needs to Adapt to Rising Climate Risks

From road and rail networks to ports, airports and inland waterways, critical transport resources are facing unprecedented threats from climate change impacts, notably severe flooding.However, adapting transport systems to rising climate risks...

41 European Mayors Declare Support for a Just Transition from Coal

A group of 41 mayors from 10 coal regions in 9 European countries are launching a statement supporting a just transition to the post-coal era. Two of the mayors - from the...

More Than Half of Native European Trees Face Extinction, Warns Study

More than half of Europe’s endemic trees are threatened with extinction as invasive diseases, pests, pollution and urban development take a growing toll on the landscape, according to a study.Ash, elm and...

Deforestation in Tropical Countries Linked to European Diets in New Study

One-sixth of the carbon footprint of the average diet in the European Union can be directly linked to deforestation in tropical countries, according to a new study from researchers at Chalmers University...

European Commission Concludes Palm Oil Is Environmentally Damaging

The European Commission has concluded palm oil is environmentally damaging and results in excessive deforestation.The decision means it is likely to be removed from transport biofuels as it will not contribute to...

European Parliament Votes to Strengthen 2030 Renewables Goals and Set ‘Net Zero’ Emission Target

The European Parliament yesterday voted in favour of proposals to significantly strengthen the EU's climate package through to 2030 and beyond, backing a higher renewable energy target, more ambitious binding efficiency goals, and...

European Utilities Commit To 100% Carbon-Neutral Electricity “Well Before” 2050 … Because It’s Cheaper

Eurelectric is not just another euphonious name for a trade organization no one has ever heard of. It is the Union of the Electricity Industry for Europe. Its president is Francesco Starace,...

European Spending On Energy Efficient Building Technologies In 2026 To Near $112 Billion

Already a global leader in building sustainability legislation and initiatives, the European market for energy efficient building technologies is expected to grow from $83.5 billion in 2017 to $111.9 billion in 2026. A...

Vice-President of European Commision Attends Southern Gas Advisory Council Meeting

Yesterday  a ministerial meeting of the Southern Gas Advisory Council was held in Baku, Azerbaijan. Participants discussed bringing gas to EU markets from regions to the south and east of Europe along...

European Support for Cheaper and Cleaner Heat and Power in Lithuania

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a EUR 190 million loan agreement with Lietuvos Energija for the greenfield construction of new combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plant in Vilnius. The project is expected to...

Clean Energy for All Europeans – unlocking Europe’s growth potential

The European Commission today presents a package of measures to keep the European Union competitive as the clean energy transition is changing the global energy markets. The Commission wants the EU to lead...

European support for Wind Farm in Belgium

The European Union will support the construction of the Rentel wind farm off the Belgian coast with a loan of up to EUR 300 million from the EIB. EUR 250 million of...

Annual Implementation Report 2016: Contracting Parties Put into Action Energy Union Objectives

The Secretariat’s Annual Implementation Report published today outlines the progress achieved by the Energy Community Contracting Parties in implementing the acquis communautaire under the Energy Community Treaty. The current state of implementation...

Towards Energy Union: The Commission presents sustainable energy security package

The Commission on 16th of February presented its energy security package with necessary proposals to equip the EU for global energy transition as well as to be prepared for possible energy supply...

MOL Group is a Leading Player in Creating a Green and Self-Sustaining Region

In mid-March of this year, MOL Group updated its long-term strategy SHAPE TOMORROW, according to which the company aims to make the region greener, more self-sustainable and more competitive. MOL Group ensures...

White Paper Presented in Serbia That Could Make the Waste Management System More Sustainable

The recently presented White Paper on Waste-to-Energy in Serbia aims to provide a clear and reliable insight into all aspects of waste incineration and to address many of the questions that this...



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