Search results for:sustainable development

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Strengthen Cooperation on the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

UN Environment Deputy Executive Director, Ibrahim Thiaw and the Secretary-General of the African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States, Patrick I. Gomes signed recently, in the margins of the joint ACP-EU...

New Global Survey Shows E-government Emerging as a Powerful Tool for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

The United Kingdom, followed by  Australia and the Republic of Korea, lead the world in providing government services and information through the Internet, according to a new survey released on 1st August...

New Neighborhood in Stockholm To Foster Sustainable Development

 One might say that the first Global Environmental Conference was not Rio+20 in 1992, but The United Nations Conference on The Human Environment (UNCHE), which took place in 1972 in Stockholm. Although...

Apply for the 2016 UN-DESA Grant on Energy for Sustainable Development

Powering the Future We Want offers a grant in the amount of one million US dollars to fund future capacity development activities in energy for sustainable development. The Grant is awarded to...

Environment and Security Initiative’s Support Towards Sustainable Development Goals and Green Economy in Focus of OSCE

The Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) stakeholders discussed on 9th June  in Batumi how the Initiative can contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and transition to green...

Good environmental governance is central to sustainable development and competitive economies, say participants at meeting in Vienna

Good environmental governance and sustainable development - central elements of the economic and environmental dimension of the OSCE’s comprehensive approach to security - are the focus of the two-day 1st Preparatory Meeting...

Ahead of Global Climate Talks, Public Development Banks Join Forces to Boost Investments in Sustainable Food Systems

Responding to an urgent call to increase financing for the world’s poorest farmers who are hardest hit by climate change, a group of Public Development Banks (PDBs) stepped up their commitment to...

UNIDO and China strengthen the global innovation network on inclusive and sustainable industrial development

The China International Centre for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) will fund a new project to strengthen the global innovation network on inclusive and sustainable industrial development, which is the mandate of...

Investing In Sustainable Management of RES

Serbia will accomplish the green transition of its energy sector through the increase of renewable energy sources, the improvement of power grids and energy storage, the promotion of fuels with zero carbon...

The role of development finance institutions in energy transitions

Development finance institutions (DFIs) account for only around 1 percent of total financing for energy sector investment, but their importance goes well beyond this relatively small share. DFIs are specialised financial institutions...

New Law to Make Products on the EU Market More Sustainable

An EU law has come into force that will enable the setting of ecodesign requirements and information for almost all categories of physical goods that come onto the EU market. The new...

Carbon Farms Make Agriculture More Sustainable

Greenhouse gas emissions cause several negative consequences on the planet, such as air pollution, increasing ocean acidity and perhaps the most talked about problem – global warming. Research conducted in almost all corners...

Negative Bidding Continues to Burden Offshore Wind Development

Germany and the Netherlands have recently issued the results of their latest offshore wind auction. They awarded a total capacity of 6.5 GW. That’s good for Europe’s energy transition. But the auction...

Increasing Energy Investment in Africa is Vital for the Continent’s Sustainable Economic Growth

Meeting growing energy demand in Africa requires a surge of spending on clean energy projects, with swift action to tackle financial barriers so investment can reach the levels that are needed, according...

Development of Environmental Protection

Humanity’s contemplation about its negative impact on nature has left a written trace dating back several centuries. Yet, at that time, there was not enough knowledge about the extent to which such...

Innovative Technology is the Key to Creating a Sustainable Future

The Siemens company published a global report on sustainable development for the fiscal year 2023, which pointed out that the development of technology is one of the key answers to the challenges...



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