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Oil Spill in Mauritius Calls for More Efforts to Safeguard Coral Reef Ecosystems

On July 25, 2020, a Japanese cargo ship struck a reef on the southeast coast of Mauritius, leaking tons of oil into coral reefs, pristine turquoise water lagoons and unique ecosystems of...

The Wonder Trees That Nurture Marine Biodiversity

This 2020 theme for the International Day of Forests on 21 March is Forests and Biodiversity. It's an often-quoted fact that forests are home to 80 per cent of terrestrial biodiversity, but...

Great Barrier Reef Outlook Now ‘Very Poor’, Australian Government Review Says

The outlook for the Great Barrier Reef has deteriorated from poor to very poor according to an exhaustive government report that warns the window of opportunity to improve the natural wonder’s future...

Let Nature Heal Climate and Biodiversity Crises, Say Campaigners

The restoration of natural forests and coasts can simultaneously tackle climate change and the annihilation of wildlife but is being worryingly overlooked, an international group of campaigners have said.Animal populations have fallen...

New Innovations in Geoengineering Are Needed to Save the Coral Reefs

The coral reef crisis continues thanks to threats like climate change and pollution. With that in mind, the National Academy of Sciences released a major report last week detailing the high-tech interventions...



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