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European Parliament Votes to Strengthen 2030 Renewables Goals and Set ‘Net Zero’ Emission Target

The European Parliament yesterday voted in favour of proposals to significantly strengthen the EU's climate package through to 2030 and beyond, backing a higher renewable energy target, more ambitious binding efficiency goals, and...

IEA: World Can Reach ‘Net Zero’ Emissions by 2060 to Meet Paris Climate Goals

Global emissions can be pushed down to "net zero" by 2060 to meet the climate goals of the Paris agreement, said the International Energy Agency (IEA). For the first time, the 29-member intergovernmental...

Building Giants Back 2050 Net Zero Goal for Buildings

Three major global businesses - the engineering firm Integral Group, property giant Lendlease and product manufacturer ROCKWOOL - were yesterday announced as sponsors for a green industry campaign to help buildings gain...

First Net-Zero Academy to Train 100,000 Workers in the EU Solar Photovoltaic Value Chain

The Commission has launched the European Solar Academy, the first in a series of EU Academies to be set up under the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) to have in place the necessary...

Industrial Policy: Council Gives Final Approval to the Net-Zero Industry Act

The Council has adopted a regulation on establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe's net-zero technology manufacturing ecosystem, better known as the 'net-zero industry act'. This is the last step in the...

Net-Zero Industry Act: Council and Parliament strike a deal to boost EU’s green industry

The Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional deal on the regulation establishing a framework of measures for strengthening Europe’s net-zero technology products manufacturing ecosystem, better known as the ‘net-zero industry...

Clear skies for a sustainable future: how innovation can accelerate aviation’s net-zero journey

In a world where the urgency of combating climate change has reached new heights, few industries face as much scrutiny as the aviation sector. The skies have traditionally symbolized limitless potential, yet...

It’s Time to Shift to Net-Zero Emissions Plastics

There are two sides to everything - and that goes for plastics, too.Let's start with the positive side. Plastics shape and facilitate the whole of modern life. They are found in everything...

Global survey shows hardly any support for net-zero pledges with carbon offsets

Yet as nations began wrapping up the difficult talks at the UN Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26 in Glasgow, false solutions, such as net-zero offsets and carbon markets ended up on...

What does net-zero emissions by 2050 mean for bioenergy and land use?

Modern and sustainable forms of bioenergy play an important role in our new special report on how the global energy sector can reach net-zero emissions by 2050, which also examines bioenergy’s advantages and limitations...

IEA to Produce World’s First Comprehensive Roadmap to Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

The International Energy Agency announced that it will produce the world’s first comprehensive roadmap for the energy sector to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 as it further strengthens its leadership role in...

Wider Use of Carbon Markets to Boost Net-Zero Future 

If more countries start recognizing the catalytic potential of carbon markets, the cost of achieving their climate mitigation targets will go down. This will make it easier for countries to step up...

Glasgow Aims to Become UK’s First Net-Zero Emissions City

Glasgow has announced its goal to become the first net-zero carbon emissions city in the UK.Big Six energy supplier ScottishPower is to help the city council achieve its target of net zero...

19 Global Cities Commit to Make New Buildings Net-Zero by 2030

The world's most iconic skylines are going green. Nineteen city leaders from the C40 coalition signed the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Declaration on Thursday to ensure all new buildings operate with a...

Australia Can Meet CO2 Emissions Target By 2030 With Renewables At Zero Net Cost

The Australian National University has published a new study which shows that Australia can meet its 2030 carbon emissions target of reducing emissions by 26-28% by 2030 by replacing all coal-fired power...

Kansas University Students Build Net-Zero Home with LEED Platinum and Passive House Certification

Most school projects don’t move past campus grounds, but that’s not the case for the works of Kansas University’s (KU) Studio 804. Every year, students of the graduate level architecture studio design...



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