Search results for:food waste

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From Banana Waste to Clean Energy

Every year, millions of tons of agricultural waste are produced in Pakistan due to the cultivation of bananas and other crops. To utilize this waste and benefit the local population, scientists have...

From Glass Waste to Construction Material

The fact that there is room for innovation in the construction material industry is evidenced by the company Fragment from Čačak. Its founders, Marija Marković and Pavle Milošević, patented a revolutionary construction...

Eight ways to overcome the waste pollution crisis

Humanity generates between 2.1 billion and 2.3 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste a year. When improperly managed, much of that refuse—from food and plastics to electronics and textiles — emits greenhouse gases...


In January this year, France started implementing several new measures aimed at reducing waste by encouraging, among other things, the application of the circular economy and improving air quality. Several measures from...

Cigarette butts – from waste to asphalt mixture

The health hazard that cigarette consumption causes for both active and passive smokers is a problem that most people are familiar with. In the EU countries, cigarette packets feature disturbing photos and...

Food Price Inflation Escalates Global Hunger Crisis

Global food price inflation continues to soar, causing significant concern about the escalation of food insecurity across the world. As much as 78.6 percent of high-income nations are experiencing high food price...

Europe Needs to Step up Circular Economy Efforts, Including on Waste Prevention

The EEA briefing ‘How far is Europe from reaching its ambition to double the circular use of materials?’ shows that, in 2021, about 11.7 percent of all materials used in the EU...

Ground-breaking data platform plays key role in tackling acute food insecurity in food crises

Detailed, comprehensive and timely data is essential to address the impact of shocks such as, earthquakes or conflict on agricultural production and livelihoods in parts of the world affected by food crises. Since...


Did you know that nearly one-third of grown and produced food on the planet is thrown away or wasted? It means that almost 1.3 billion tonnes of food are never consumed. To...

The Untapped Potential of Bio-Waste in Europe

The collection and recycling of bio-waste is key in the development of a sustainable society. After all, we’ll always produce some sort of organic waste, such as food or garden waste. When...

Why Water is Crucial for Sustainable Food Systems

Agriculture is a major user of freshwater withdrawals Irrigated crops, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry, account for roughly 70 percent of total freshwater withdrawals globally and for over 90 percent in the majority...

Soaring E-waste Affects the Health of Millions of Children, WHO Warns

Effective and binding action is urgently required to protect the millions of children, adolescents and expectant mothers worldwide whose health is jeopardized by the informal processing of discarded electrical or electronic devices...

New Research Shows Food System is Responsible for a Third of Global Anthropogenic Emissions

The world’s food system is responsible for a third of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to new research by a team led by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and...

How Rivals Can Work Together to Stop Plastic Waste

Rivals – traditionally - tend not to work together. This approach can help companies stay distinct as one-of-a-kind innovators and maintain competitive advantages. It can even protect consumers’ interests. Legislation exists across...

This Flying AI Robot Can Pick Fruit – Preventing Waste in the Process

It’s getting harder to find fruit pickers to harvest the world’s orchards. COVID-19 travel restrictions have prevented seasonal workers crossing borders, so some farmers are turning to AI drones to pick their...

Our Global Food System is the Primary Driver of Biodiversity Loss

Food System Impacts on Biodiversity Loss, the new Chatham House report, supported by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and Compassion in World Farming, describes three actions needed for food system transformation in...



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