Search results for:fish

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Passionate Fisherman in the Struggle for Preservation of Untouched Nature

Twenty years ago, he won the affection of a broader audience with the role of Brando in the television serial “Family Treasure”. Since then, Vojin Cetkovic has shown that he is equally...

A Fishing Town in India Is Building a Road to a Plastic-Free Ocean

A fishing town on the southwest tip of India is showing what a community can achieve when it decides to face an environmental problem and turn it into a solution, using ocean...

Meat and Fish Multinationals ‘Jeopardising Paris Climate Goals’

Meat and fish companies may be “putting the implementation of the Paris agreement in jeopardy” by failing to properly report their climate emissions, according to a groundbreaking index launched today.Three out of...

Jellyfish Chips Are the Future of Junk Food

Jellyfish are not exactly the centerpiece of most people’s ideal meals. The umbrella-shaped animals are slimy, tasteless, and can be extremely poisonous. But a population boom and the need to reduce meat —...

Plastic Nanoparticles Can Accumulate In Fish Brains & Cause Brain Damage, Study Finds

Nano-sized particles of plastic can accumulate in the brains of fish and cause damage and behavioral changes, according to a new study from Lund University. So, yes, despite earlier arguments to the contrary,...

High Risk That Temperatures Could Exceed Thermal Survival Limits for Many Fish Species by 2070, Study Finds

Anthropogenic climate warming could lead to water temperatures in some parts of the world exceeding the thermal survival limits of the fish species living there now, according to new research from the...

Climate Change Is Making Fish Smaller

Seafood lovers be warned. That delectable slab of seared tuna on your plate soon could become a lot smaller—and more scarce—thanks to climate change. As ocean temperatures climb, many species of fish—tuna among...

Oil Pollution Changes Fish Behaviour

Limiting industrial pollution like petroleum-based oil could be key to preserving ecosystems like the Great Barrier Reef, a new study has found. The world-first research found the presence of the substance caused six...

Climate change transforms Pacific Islands

A triple whammy of accelerating sea level rise, ocean warming and acidification is imperilling Pacific Islands, which face growing threats to their socioeconomic viability and indeed their very existence because of climate...

Night Light – Cause of More Resistant Tree Leaves and Biodiversity Loss

Light pollution, a pressing ecological issue that currently affects over 80 per cent of the world's population, is a topic of urgent concern. Despite this, the full extent of its impact on...

When Ecology and Energy Transition Aren’t on the Same Team

A green future is on the horizon! We will drive electric cars, solar panels will shimmer on our rooftops, and picturesque fields and meadows will be complemented by wind turbines gently spinning,...

Artificial Womb for the Recovery of Endangered Shark Species

I have always thought of scientists as real-life wizards, making possible what was once only in the realm of science fiction. This belief was reaffirmed by researchers at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium,...

Global Fund for Coral Reefs Approves More than 25 million USD in Additional Funding for Resilience Action

In the face of increasing threats to coral ecosystems and the recent announcement of a fourth global coral bleaching event, the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) Executive Board has announced over...

Negative Bidding Continues to Burden Offshore Wind Development

Germany and the Netherlands have recently issued the results of their latest offshore wind auction. They awarded a total capacity of 6.5 GW. That’s good for Europe’s energy transition. But the auction...

Nature Restoration Law: Council Gives Final Green Light

The Council formally adopted the – first of its kind – regulation on nature restoration. This law aims to put measures in place to restore at least 20 per cent of the...

Precise Strategies and Plans for Mitigating the Consequences of Climate Change

Biodiversity is particularly important for Romania because around 23 per cent of the country’s surface is occupied by protected natural areas, which are part of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas in the European Union. Romania has...



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