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Which EU Countries Have Met the Targets for Public Chargers?

The number of public chargers for electric vehicles has tripled in the previous three years in the EU. Data collated by the European Federation for Transport & Environment showed that at the...


Air pollution is one of the most dangerous types of pollution for the health of people and other living beings. An analysis conducted by the European Environment Agency (EEA) showed that the...

Slovenia’s comprehensive approach to facilitating the growth of electromobility

Size-wise, Slovenia is one of the smaller countries in Europe whose territory is more than half covered by forests, is recognizable by its beautiful landscapes and is often known as a country...

The Ambassador of Hungary, Attilával Pintér: Energy Security is an Imperative Both For Hungary and Serbia

There are a lot of things Hungary has been doing in recent years that not only countries in the region but in the whole Europe can take as an example. Although there...

European Union Approves World’s Largest Green Stimulus

On Friday, EU lawmakers agreed to provide a €672 billion recovery fund boost for the EU economy. How green is it? Fairly green — 37 percent of the funding has to go to...

A Genuine Artificial Leaf – New Source of Clean Energy?

The race to create a genuine artificial leaf has heated up to the boiling point. The latest development is a new device that looks like a greenish tile the size of a...

Global Shipping Body Adopts 50% GHG Emissions Reduction Target

Announced last week, the United Nations International Maritime Organization has adopted a new commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the sector, seeking to peak emissions “as soon as possible” and to...

Schwarzenegger to Sue Big Oil for ‘First Degree Murder’

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s next mission: taking oil companies to court “for knowingly killing people all over the world.” The actor and former governor of California said in a Politico-sponsored podcast at the SXSW festival...

History of Hybrid and Electric Vehicles from the First Cars until Today

When it comes to cars today, it mainly refers to vehicles with an internal combustion engine (ICE) that draws its energy from a reservoir containing some kind of fossil fuel (gasoline, diesel or...

Coffee-Fuelled Commute? London Buses to Run on Fuel Made from Used Coffee Ground

Oil giant Shell and UK start-up bio-bean have teamed up on a project to provide a low carbon biofuel for London buses that contains waste coffee grounds collected from high-street retailers. The B20...

10 States Leading the Pack in Clean Energy Jobs

The solar, wind and energy efficiency industries already employ millions of people in the U.S. and they're poised to grow. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, there are 374,000 American jobs in...

Tesla, Nissan, and Siemens Sound Alarm Over Europe’s EV Infrastructure

A partnership of electric vehicle (EV) manufacturers, NGOs, and energy trade bodies have called on EU member states to rapidly accelerate the roll out of electric car and rail infrastructure in order...

Shell Launches its First Hydrogen Refuelling Station in the UK

Shell announces the launch of its first hydrogen refuelling station in the UK at its Cobham service station on the M25. The new hydrogen station has been supplied by ITM Power and...

65 Per Cent of British Public Support New Clean Air Act, Says Survey

More than half of the British public believe air pollution levels across the UK are damaging to their health and almost two-thirds back proposals for new laws to tackle the issue, according...

Campus Greenhouse Gas Emissions Down 7 Percent Since 2014

MIT’s total campus emissions have dropped by 7 percent since 2014, according to MIT’s second annual greenhouse gas inventory. The inventory, whose results were released by the MIT Office of Sustainability in...

European Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Sales for Jan-Oct 2016

While the Nissan Leaf remains the best-selling electric car in other markets, the Japanese automaker's French partner once again remains on top of the European sales charts. The Renault Zoe was again...



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