Search results for:USAID

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Support In a Crisis and Creative Development Programs

The success of any crisis management is affected by a number of factors, including the availability of the necessary equipment. It is a crucial lesson that we, as a society, had difficulties...

Public Invitation for Qualified Engineers to Participate in Training on Energy Management Systems

Tetra Tech ES, Inc. (Tetra Tech) is implementing a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) project to promote the use of Energy Management Systems (EMS) for industries and public or private commercial...

Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Thriving World

The development of sustainable energy projects, including finance and advisory services, makes the core business of E3 International (E3I). Bonnie Norman, president of E3 International and well-known advisor on the creation of...

Flash Flood Guidance System Saves Lives

Flash floods cause more than 5,000 deaths worldwide annually, exceeding any other flood-related event.  They have enough power to change the course of rivers, bury houses in mud, and sweep away or...

Innovation Is the Future of Serbia

What are the strategically important scientific projects supported and financed by the state with the view to preserve the environment, how are the scientific community and the economy connected, how are our...

Study: Children Have Better Nutrition When They Live Near Forests

Spending time in nature is known to boost mental and emotional health. Now, a new global study has found that children in 27 developing nations tend to have more diverse diets and...

We Outline and Design Tomorrow’s Society

A Denmark-based, international multi-disciplinary consulting company – NIRAS  is founded in 1956. Today, our growing NIRAS Group team has more than 2,300 dedicated professionals, contributing with their signature advice and innovative solutions...

In Kenya, An Entrepreneur Is Using Biodiesel To Fight Climate Change

The story began in 1935, when Taher Zavery’s grandfather emigrated to Kitui, Kenya, all the way from Gujarat, India, to set up a cotton ginning factory. There was no trace of electricity...

ANNA BOULOS: Serbia Consumes Only 1/3 of Its Potentials

During the Energy and investments fair in Novi Sad the editorial office of ENERGETSKI PORTAL had a pleasure to attend the exposition of Ms Anna Boulos, the economic counsellor at the US...

Better Waste Management in Šid

The public utility companies (PUCs) in charge of keeping Šid clean, are now able to do their job more efficiently.  Through the “Enhancing Local Resilience to the Migration Crisis” a $1.3 million...

Website on Energy Efficiency in Households Launched

A consulting company "Enova" from Sarajevo, in cooperation with the organization Habitat for Humanity from Bratislava, with the financial help from the USAID, has launched a website on energy efficiency in households,...



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