Search results for:Green Serbia

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Solar Energy in Serbia and the Countries of the Region

Solar energy has recorded significant development in recent years, with a 40 per cent growth rate in the European Union alone. Globally speaking, countries that participated in last year’s United Nations Conference...

United Hands Make the Planet Greener

The strength and will that a person carries inside of them is most strongly manifested in the difficult moments that life brings. The first days of the coronavirus pandemic prompted us to...

Green Transformation of the Republic of Croatia

Access to European Union funds provides the Republic of Croatia with the necessary finances for investments in infrastructure construction, as well as green and digital transition. Thanks to this, the country can...

Green Kilowatts for the Supply of 10,000 Households

The companies B2 Nova Sun, B2 Sunspot, and Elektroprivreda Srbije, a joint stock company, signed electricity purchase and balance responsibility contracts for two solar power plants. B2 Nova Sun – Nova Crnja...

Improving Environmental Protection in Serbia

Solving environment-related problems and protecting the environment are still the top priorities and challenges for both people living in the Republic of Serbia and state institutions. In 2023, the Ministry of Environmental...

Serbian Scientists in the Fight for Cleaner air and Greater Energy Efficiency

In Western Balkan countries, thermal power plants are the leading electricity producers, accounting for about 54 per cent of the total energy production. At the same time, thermal power plants are the...

OMV Serbia – Energy for a Better Life

An integrated energy, fuel, raw material, and chemical company, OMV, based in Vienna, is transforming into a leading company in sustainable fuels while playing a key role in the circular economy. The...

Support for the Implementation of Innovative Solutions for a Smooth Green Transition

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has a unique financing programme designed by the organization’s key development team. The financing programme is related to Public Calls in the form of challenges for...

Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Development of Croatian Cities

Green spaces in urban areas significantly raise the quality of life in a society undergoing intense urbanization. Constant improvement of green infrastructure contributes to sustainable development and, at the same time, has...

The 15-Minute-City Concept for More Sustainable Urban Living in Serbia

Climate change is a challenge that needs to be approached comprehensively, which also implies solving the problem of urban living as an important link. Although based on a not-so-recent idea, the so-called...

Green Bonds for Financing the Development of Environmental Projects

Green bonds are a relatively young financial instrument dating back just over 15 years. In 2007, the European Investment Bank (EIB) issued these securities for the first time. Green bonds are debt...

Conference Green Energy Transition

In cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, the Belgian-Serbian Business Association, Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Croatian Business Club, invite you to...

EBRD and Erste Approve Financing for new Windfarm in Serbia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), together with Erste Group Bank AG and its local bank Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad (Erste), have approved a financing package worth 91.4 million...

Green Kilowatts For Nova Crnja

The path we need to take, which leads us to a more sustainable and secure future, must be paved with renewable energy sources. Summing up the year 2023, one of the most important...


Energy from renewable sources is founded in the history of the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS). The Pod Gradom on Đetinja hydropower plant in Užice was commissioned in 1900 and was...


Questions and challenges related to sustainable and responsible business have been obvious for decades. Most of the ESG principles we hear about today have been devised thanks to various international initiatives, agreements,...



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