Search results for:European Council

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41 European Mayors Declare Support for a Just Transition from Coal

A group of 41 mayors from 10 coal regions in 9 European countries are launching a statement supporting a just transition to the post-coal era. Two of the mayors - from the...

European Commission Concludes Palm Oil Is Environmentally Damaging

The European Commission has concluded palm oil is environmentally damaging and results in excessive deforestation.The decision means it is likely to be removed from transport biofuels as it will not contribute to...

European Parliament Votes to Strengthen 2030 Renewables Goals and Set ‘Net Zero’ Emission Target

The European Parliament yesterday voted in favour of proposals to significantly strengthen the EU's climate package through to 2030 and beyond, backing a higher renewable energy target, more ambitious binding efficiency goals, and...

European Spending On Energy Efficient Building Technologies In 2026 To Near $112 Billion

Already a global leader in building sustainability legislation and initiatives, the European market for energy efficient building technologies is expected to grow from $83.5 billion in 2017 to $111.9 billion in 2026. A...

European Union To Meet To Discuss Implementing Paris Climate Agreement

Environment ministers from across the European Union will meet this week in Estonia to discuss recent global developments on climate change and the European Union’s implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement. To say...

European Parliament Backs Restoration of Ambitious Recycling Goals

The European Parliament has yesterday voted in favour of strengthening proposed recycling and food waste targets as part of the EU's upcoming circular economy package. MEPs endorsed proposals for the bloc to deliver...

European Circular Economy Project Kicks off in Wales

A new Europe-wide project intended to help smaller businesses enter the circular economy and operate in a more sustainable and profitable way has kicked off in Wales. A recent study by the Ellen...

Informal Energy Council in Bratislava

EU Energy Ministers and Maroš Šefčovič, European Commission Vice-President for Energy Union,  met for the Informal Energy Council in Bratislava, Slovakia on 12 - 13 July. Governance of the Energy Union were on...

Soil Monitoring Law: EU on the Pathway to Gealthy Soils by 2050

The general approach reached by the Council today aims to make soil health monitoring obligatory, provides guiding principles for sustainable soil management and addresses situations where soil contamination poses unacceptable health and...

How Can We Have a More Sustainable Construction Sector?

The construction sector in Serbia is among the strongest economic branches in terms of volume and has been recording significant growth in real estate development. According to global statistics, the construction sector...


The Republic of Croatia has been strongly encouraging the use of renewable energy sources (RES) for some time now. According to EUROSTAT data for 2021, RES had a 31.3 per cent share...

2023 Strategic Foresight Report: sustainability and wellbeing at the heart of Europe’s Open Strategic Autonomy

Today, the European Commission presented the 2023 Strategic Foresight Report, which analyses how to put ‘sustainability and people's wellbeing at the heart of Europe's Open Strategic Autonomy' and suggests ten concrete actions...

EU Energy Ministers Endorse Faster Permitting Of Renewables

The EU Energy Ministers have agreed their position on changes to the Renewable Energy Directive and Energy Efficiency Directive, paving the way for faster build-out of renewables and streamlined permitting for wind...

Kick-off Ceremony Held for Realization of Alexandroupolis FSRU in Greece

The kick-off ceremony for the realization of Gastrade SA's LNG FSRU facility in Alexandroupolis, Greece, was held on Tuesday, May 3, 2022, in the old Storage House of the Alexandroupolis Port Customs. Once...

Energy Security: Commission Hosts First Meeting of EU Energy Purchase Platform to Secure Supply of Gas, LNG and Hydrogen

In order to secure the EU's energy supply at affordable prices in the current geopolitical context and to phase out dependency on Russian gas, the European Commission has established with the Member...

Migration v Climate: Europe’s New Political Divide

The crowd that gathered outside Hungary’s neo-gothic parliament building on Friday was loud, young and passionate. The latest round of global school climate strikes drew several thousand people in Budapest, including the...



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